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It wasn't suppose to this way. It was suppose to be a quick and easy mission where you just help some citizens. But of course it can't be that easy and everything did a 180.

Hanzo quickly lifted himself off of your body, worried eyes flickering over every inch of your body. His worry increased as you didn't seem to move or breath. Blood started to sputter from your lips, your eyes snapped open and you rolled over barely able to hold your upper torso off of the ground. You were hacking blood splattering everywhere within range.

One of your hands covered your stomach even though it was your chest that was in pain, severe pain. Ribs cracked from the fall with the help of Hanzo's weight, broken bones punctured the lungs blood filling your lungs ending up on the bricked ground.

The archer was unsure on what he should be doing. He was still in the state of shock from the sudden attack, to you pushing him out of the building he was in and now you on the ground writhing in pain that filled your whole being.

There wasn't a medic who joined you on the mission so he couldn't call for help. The only person that could help were the doctors of the closest hospital. He needed to act quick, he needed to act about two minutes ago. The ribbon that held his hair was now wrapped around your chest for hope to ease the pain.

He had to ignore the battle and get you treated.
"Sir do you want me to call an ambulance?" A citizen asked as he quickly paused looking left and right for any sight of the hospital.
"There's not enough time. Where's the hospital?" His voice desperate and dry. The citizen gave him directions and Hanzo left as quickly as the sentence finished. He tried his best to make the travel smooth in order to not worsen your wounds.

Everything went by in a blur as he burst through the doors screaming for a doctor. Watched as you were taken from his arms onto a bed into another room.

Rushed footsteps echoed through the silent hallway. The length of his nails shortened as he bit them nervously. He was told you had a bullet in one of your shoulder blades, an arm, a leg and your stomach. You also had some cuts as well.

How could he let this happen to you? He was the one to watch over you in this mission. You were his responsibility, you were in his care.

Movements paused as a nurse came out of the ER. Hanzo rushed to her asking questions on your state at a million miles per second, his english quickly turned into Japanese as the worry tore through him like the bullets had done to you.
"Sir, they are stable. They will need a few weeks rest." Relief flooded him when he heard the word 'stable'. He had to notify Overwatch of the recent events.

He sat in a chair beside you bed with one of your hands in both of his. The constant beep of the heart rate monitor was the only sound he felt he knew. Hours felt like days. The overcast weather matched his emotions. Hanzo watched you as you rest, your chest slowly rising up and down. The repetition caused him to grow weary, his eyes slowly closed letting sleep take over.

It wasn't the beeping of your heart monitor that woke him up nor the muffled voices of a handful familiar voices outside the room. But is was the stroking of his hair.

Hanzo groaned awaking as he opened his eyes to a dimly lit room.
"Hello sleepyhead." A raspy voice quietly called out, hand fell from his hair back onto the bed, fingers lightly brushing his cheek. His eyes followed the length of the arm in front of him and eventually towards an exhausted face. You're exhausted face.
"(Y/N)!" Hanzo leaped up from his hunched position to wrap his arms around you.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Watch the wounds!" You hissed as pain suddenly coursed through your body. Hanzo quickly let go hunched over regretting what he's done.
"Sorry.." Hanzo looked like a kicked puppy with the way his eyes saddened.
"It's okay, you didn't mean it." You comforted the archer.

The door to your private room slammed open the younger Shimada brother stood at the foot of your bed.
"You're awake!" Genji looked down at his brother who was glaring at him for interrupting the special moment. "Oh you were having a couple moment, my apologize." With the Genji left as quickly as he came.

"Such a sweet moment that was." You laughed light heartily but that ended up in a small coughing fit. Hanzo gently held you up by your back supporting you. "You owe me a an extra lazy night when I get out." You looked up at him through your lashes jokingly angry.
"I owe you my life."
"That's a bit far, but if you're willing to go to that extent then it'll be an extra lazy night and no morning training for a week." You knew how much he relied on his routine and it cannot be broken unless he came back from a mission that day.
"If you wish." You looked at him surprised at how willing he was.
"Well that was easier than I expected."

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