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Things have finally started to calm down around Talon due to no one wanted to start anything new, as it was late in the afternoon and everyone had to turn in a few hours later ready for the next day.

Everyone was extremely exhausted and wanted nothing but to relax, they have been busy the last few days trying to keep tabs on all the Overwatch agents.

But one man- or what's left of one- was probably the person who's most tuckered out and just absolutely had it with everyone. Except for you that is.

Some how the kind of edge was able to land himself a significant other despite his current circumstance that he's forever stuck with. You were able to look past all of his 'flaws' and were able to see something in him.

Reaper wanted nothing more that just to lie down with you on this lazy afternoon and just get rid of the stress and anger that was quickly built. You were able to calm him down just by being around him. That's probably why your Talons medic and you were Reapers favourite medicine.

He stalked outside of the medbay while you did a checkup on one of the agents that were injured the other day. It felt like hours that he was waiting for you to pop out to accompany him- but it was only 15 minutes.

When the injured agent staggered out of the room mumbling a 'thank you' Reaper growled in anger towards them annoyed that he had to wait for you because of the agents injury.

"Only five more minutes." Your voice rang sounding equally as tired as Reaper felt. He sauntered into the room until he was behind you and he wrapped his arm around your waist placing his head in the crook of your neck.
"Now." Was all he said in more of a command patience long gone.
"Five minutes and not a minute longer. I've just got to clean up." Reaper groaned letting go of you and sitting down on one of the beds. He didn't want to start an argument just because he wanted to cuddle with you on the bed.

He was tapping his foot on the floor and his fingers on his crossed arms as he waited eagerly for you. When he noticed you were down he jumped up off of the bed to scoop you up in his arms and quickly made your way to your shared quarters.

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