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Today Genji was going to play with his dragon so it's getting enough expercise, don't want to chuck an unfit noodly dragon at people not being bothered to do anything. The one time was more than enough, he couldn't of been more ashamed.

But to his dismay the dragon snuck away- yet again. He huffed as he checked the millionth room in the large base. Why must his dragon be so difficult, although he's happy he only has one at this point of time because Hanzo's dragons weren't that much different from his own. There were times when they weren't so bad, he could consider now one of those times. But it was just a nuisance trying find the green creature.

Once he's confirmed to himself that he's checked every possible thing that his dragon could be hiding in. So he decided to just go outside and meditate.

Genji headed up the hill which has a lovely large tree on top of it. It was his favourite spot, it was nicely shaded, covered you from the rain and kept you warm in the evening sun.

He was ready to start meditating, he pushed every thought out and body was getting tired as he hiked up the hill. But when he reached the top his body melted.

There you were, lying down. Upper body rested upon the middle of his dragon, their head in your lap and tail wrapped protectively around you. The way the tree shaded you from most of the sun as rays of it glowed softly.

He didn't know what to do so he slowly made his way over and sat down in front of the both of you. But the movement of Genji cause his dragon to awaken, so he froze. His dragon slowly opened their eyes, yawned and then turned its head towards its master. Once processed that it was its master seating in front of it, it unraveled just enough so Genji could lie down beside you.

Genji understood the action and moved in beside you wrapping his arms around you. Once comfortable his dragon wrapped itself around the both of you falling into a slumber.

Overwatch x Reader [CLOSED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora