Sohyun patted Jimin's shoulder. "Yep, we have that thing on Wednesday."

"We do?"

"Funny he is, we do."

At the sight of suspicious gazes and a pinch on neck he pretended to come to a realization.

"Oh we do!"

The families laughed at the oddness of the boy before heading to the door. There teenagers walked ahead to say their own farewells. They closed their gaps with a hug Sohyun initiated .

"Don't be late." She growled into his ear with a sweet smile that was on display for their families to see. Jimin whose face was not shown to them clenched his teeth when the girl dug her nails into his back.

"Got it." He groaned. "Let go, you're suffocating me."

Saying that only made things worse. Her grip tightened and she leaned closer to his ear.

"Be late and I'll be doing worse than suffocating you."

Then she pulled away from her friend, the sweet smile still on her face. Jimin made sure to put on a show as her family approached. He bid them farewell before heading back inside to be of help to his mother in the kitchen. When he entered the room he was met with both his parents instead of one, both looking very content.

"You looked like you enjoyed the party Jimbles."

He nodded. "I did."

"So did Sohyun." His father added.

It only took Jimin a few seconds to register what was going on but unfortunately that was too little time to escape their sights in time. His mother pulled him into her embrace and kissed the side of the head.

"I knew it." She whispered into his ear. It was all she said before letting go of her son who rushed out of the room before he could be held back any longer. He sighed in relieve as he made it to the second floor. His footsteps took him to his room however they stopped mid way at the sound of his brother's voice.

"I know." The boy giggled. "Why don't you just tell him!...Kookie!"

Jimin eyes met his brothers as he strolled into the room. He said nothing as his brother gestured for him to leave but instead he took a seat in his chair.

"Is that Jungkook?"

The boy simply widened his eyes and pointed to the door.

"I see...yeah Hyung's being nosy...Me too, bye."

"So yes?"

Jihyun's rolled his eyes and fell back against his mattress. "Yes, now leave."

The older brother swayed himself on the rolling chair, he fiddled with a pencil he picked up. The youngest simply groaned at the actions of his nosy brother. Jimin began humming softly, still waiting for his question to be given some sort of an answer. It wasn't the first time the two found themselves in the scenario. The eldest confronted his brother on the relationship he held with his friend but of course he was pushed away. Jihyun wouldn't not say a word and just when he was about to, they'd be interrupted. Now was the closest time to get a proper response from the boy. 

"I'm tired, leave!" A stuffed animal flew across the room and collided with the face of the awaiting seventeen year old. Instead of reacting based on his irritation, Jimin breathed deeply and smiled. He was going to use it to the boy's urgency to his advantage. 

"Tell me and I'll leave. What's your deal with Jungkook?"

Jihyun simply glared for he came to the realization this was probably the only way to rid of his brother. Jimin connected the door with the wall and sat back down to hear what his sibling had to say. After talking it over with Sohyun several times they'd come to a conclusion of what the awaited answer might be. 

"We're friends."

"Really?" Jimin tilted his head.

"I said what my deal was-"

"I didn't know friends smooch." 

Finally what had been a secret between two was revealed to the one part of it. Jihyun's eyes widened slightly as he recognized the words he once spoke to his brother when their positions were reversed. He shook his head and outstretched his hand in the direction of the door. 

"Please just go, I'm far too tired for this."

Jimin inhaled sharply. "Yeah...I'm sure you weren't too tired to be smooching with Kookie at the ice cream shop that day. Don't deny it because I saw you, just say it already."

Jihyun's eyes narrowed. "Say what?"

"That you like-"

Jimin stopped mid sentence at the click of the door. In their mother's head poked through with a curious look on her face. She apologized for interrupting them before pointing to the clock on on a drawer. Although she had granted more freedom, bed times was still one thing she stuck by. Less sleep would affect their academic performance and that was something she would most definitely not allow. The boys wished each other a goodnight as their mother's left the room. They waited for her feet to hit the ground of the first floor before speaking once more. 

"Why won't you just tell me?" Jimin sighed in defeat. His brother was far to secretive and frankly he was becoming sick of it. The constant lying, sugar coating, and snarky remarks of the boy was something he was growing sick of. He missed the sneaky but playfully version that was his brother, it was a part of him he hadn't experienced in so long. 

"Just leave."


"Last time I asked you to leave me room we ended up fighting, do you want that again? Do you wish for your mother to cry to the point it hurt to blink because her sons could not keep to themselves. Is that what you want, for us to hurt each other again?"

Jimin stared at his brother closely, registering his words. He shook his head, the boy for once was making sense. It was far from what he wanted, he didn't think he could take another major quarrel with his brother. His conscious would guilt him far too much to the point of no return. And so he submitted to the request of the younger just before saying one last thing that would linger in the mind of the boy. 

"Just know that I still love you, even if you push me away and treat me like you don't... Sleep well Hyunnie." 


Sorry for any errors. I feel like update is kinda sucky smh 

Hope you enjoy!


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