"Not with you of course!"

I replied yeah, I may be mean but whatever. He looked at me & said: "I'm sorry Hayat.". I glared at him and said: "Well you should be and please I don't want to talk to you."

I ... I just said I don't want to ...Ya Allah!. What did I say? I thought to myself

He just smiled at me and within 20-30 minutes we were home and all the way I just looked out of the car window. We reached and Huma aunty hugged. Aahil came towards me and asked,Do you want to have pizza?". This guy is really insane!

I nodded "Yeah! sure Aahil, but I have to pray Asr & Maghrib, maybe we can leave in an hour or so?" He smiled at me. I could see Kayan was not very happy. Well he is a walnut 'grumpy walnut'.

I put my mobile on charging, though the officer had charged a little for me and called that 'Bipolar' but I had to call my family, I really miss them a lot. I prayed Namaz.

I called Shumayll bhai and he kept on ranting " Meri gudiya Meri guddiya (my doll)", Ah gudiya! he is calling me gudiya. Well, he has many names for me.

''Asalamualaikum Shumayll bhai".

"Walaikumusalam, My Angel, Kayan told me that you are acting like a very good girl and he said you are very sweet".

"Yeahh!! I am very sweet made of sugar." I laughed.

Me and bhai spoke for a while, they were planning to fix his and Kaintaat bhabi's engagement, maybe in a month or soo. I am just so excited. After a while, I went down and Aahil told me that he had to go for his football match, so maybe we could go tomorrow. I was okay with it, I was tired too. I prayed Isha & slept.

** Kayan's POV **

Hayat was ignoring me since a very long time, I couldn't take this.The news did a great job the headlines were

'Kayan Malik with a kid or Crazy girl'. I thought she would be pissed but she was laughing & when Aahil asked her she told,"Not everyone gets a chance to be called by this title" and swayed away her hijab as her hair was covered & the reporters even recorded when I called her 'Hayati' but I told everyone that it was a slip of tongue, ammi & Aahil didn't agree but Hayat did..Mmm I think she did. But she didn't even look at me at the time of the news she just laughed & looked everywhere except near me .

It had been a month since Hayat was here. I'm already soo used to her. It has been a week this girl is ignoring me. Oh! She has come here for a job not for some holiday, I quickly went downstairs, I saw Aahil & Hayat talking, well they have become too close maybe they like each other & yah I love her but I cannot stay with her she doesn't deserve a guy like me. I sat in front of both of them, Aahil smiled at me while Hayat ignored me like I'm not even sitting there.Huff!! Ammi came in, she had gone out somewhere. Now I don't have to tolerate these 2 idiots..well they are laughing since a long time one can say I am jealous. We sat on the table & ammi called us.

"There is a wedding in the Shaikh's family & we are supposed to help them, Only 10 days for the marriage."

All of us nodded & she continued

"Iqra is getting married" when ammi said this I choked off the biscuit I was eating & Aahil winked at me & had a good laugh.

"Who is Iqra?" asked Hayat & while she asked me a deadly glare like if it was someone related to me she would kill me. Ya Allah! I'm scared of her now & none other than Aahil opened his big mouth. He is such a girl Ehh!

"Kayan bhai's lover!" & he grinned at me. Hayat tightened her fists & was holding the glass really tight & her anger was on her nose,

Was she jealous?

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