Never Have I Ever...

Start from the beginning

Timmy shot an annoyed and a scowl towards Johnny. "You're really trying today..." Both he and Bai took a shot. There was a small smirk at Johnny's lips that Timmy didn't get to see.

"Hn..." Was the only sound Johnny could make at Timmy's remarks.
[A/N: Hmmm... -_- Johnny is that you trying to get back at Timmy because he didn't mention you for staying? Are you starting to like him now?"]

"I forget my keys sometimes so I had no choice. Timmy showed me once how to get inside his old room before." Shrugging his shoulder, Bai explained it as if it was nothing.

"If you think about it, my brothers are criminals. Except Johnny, he's a good man."

Sef was confused and felt left out.

"Wait, how did Johnny became your brother? Did you get adopted or something that I didn't know?" The bewildered Sef wanted answers from his best friend. "I need answers."

Lily went on to fulfilling his wish and before Johnny could do it. "Timmy brought Johnny home. My grandfather taught he was Timmy's boyfriend and inducted him as part of our family. He didn't even bother correcting him. Why didn't you?" The question was directed at Johnny.

At the mention of his grandfather, Timmy's grip on the glass cup tightened. His white knuckles whitened as they continued to talked about him. Johnny noticed this, and bumped Timmy's legs, earning him with the other person side-eyeing him.

"The reason for that was, I didn't want your grandfather upset. You know ease him as he passes away. Plus, I couldn't say no to a dying man. I promised your grandfather and I intend to fulfill it." Johnny shrugged his shoulders, carefully masking his facial features.

Lily and Bai's eyes widened once more at Johnny's confession, not knowing how serious he really was. Timmy was torn between feeling valued and unease. It hasn't been that long, meeting the man, and this person truly cares deeply for him. The rest, knowing Johnny, would stay true to his promise. Although, they felt he was too committed on it.

"So, how about that second kiss you were talking about?" Sheryl questioned Johnny.

"That... was during the final funeral rites of their grandfather. It was an accident. I was helping him get up, but I tripped somehow and it happened. That's it. It's your turn Lance."

"I see," was only the words Jessica could utter.

"Let's see if I can topped the last one. Never have I ever... had slept with the same gender as me." Only the lesbian couple drank.

"When you say slept with... Does that mean sexual only or does sleep overs count?" Asked Lily with an innocent like on her face.

"I guess sleep over counts, too."

"Hmm..." Pointing at her brothers again, Lily told them to drink their shots. "Come on. Don't forget to tell us what you did in that bedroom, too."

Groaning, both tipped their drinks into their mouth. Bai also drank the burning liquid in his glass.

"We're dating," said Sheryl as she pointed to Jessica and herself.

"Camping trips and sleep over with Timmy back in the days." The way Johnny stares at Bai made him squirmed in his seat. Everyone was aware by it, but no one voiced their opinion about it with their almost inebriated mind.

Like a light bulb that popped above their heads, Johnny and Timmy chimed in together. "It was a sleep over," and "Mine was one, too," were said respectively by the two.

Due To Fate [Boys Love Story] (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now