The Bet and A Kiss In One Frame

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The four had reached their destination at KTV Grilled, a long drive away from the University, and had gone to pick up her two friends on the way. Entering the establishment, they notice that there was a small line. As the waited for their turn, Lily and her friends chattering about gossips and boys while Timmy, Bai, and Aaron were talking about what school and work related topics. Immersed in their own world, another group had fall in line behind Timmy's party. The people behind them were loud and rowdy, cursing and insults being thrown at each other. Despite that they weren't being disrespectful to others.

Few minutes after, an attendant got Timmy's group's attention by introducing herself, and asked how many were there in his group.

Timmy replied with a question. "What's the minimum?"

"Minimum of people is ten. Maximum is twenty-five," the attendant answered.

Timmy and the others frowned at her statement. Seeing their facial expression, she suggested they want they could get another party to join with them because the room requires for ten people. 

"If we managed to get more people, how do we pay the bill then?" Lily asked this time. Again, the attendant answered they can pay by separating the receipts. 

Timmy looks around while Lily asked her questions and spots the group behind them. He approached them, their back still facing him and minding their own business. Tapping the person's shoulder, Timmy said, "Excused me."

Seeing the person's face, Timmy's faced turned grim. All the blood seemed to drain from his face, giving him a pale look.

"Oh, Shit," was what Timmy's last word after seeing the person turned.

Johnny and his friends were tired from packing his things, and driving around till they found a good place to eat their food and have fun at the same time. The group had finally agreed to a place and came to KTV Grilled, a popular hot spot for adolescents and young adults. By the time they finally found the place, everyone were annoyed and moody. 

Feeling somebody had tapped his shoulder, Johnny lashed out. "What?" said Johnny harshly. Johnny's mood had turned an one eighty degree right after seeing Timmy's face.

"Well if it isn't little Timmy." Said Johnny with a smirk on his mouth.

Looking for a way out, he couldn't find none. Before Timmy could say anything, her sister came.

Curious as to what would Timmy say, Johnny kept quiet, but instead of hearing him talk a girl came up behind Timmy.

"Hi!" greeted a girl that appeared behind Timmy. Remembering what he had read, Johnny identifies the girl dressed in a lolita style as Lily, Timmy's younger sister. 

"Johnny, who are you talking to?" Asked Lance, curious to why his friend isn't talking to them anymore. 

Sef answered Lance's question. "I think these two wants us to combine our group with theirs. I hear there's a certain number of people in order to get a room here." 

"I'm game for that if you guys are okay with that." Lance went back to talking with the other two guys about their research paper that they had to do in another class.

"Oh, he asked you already?" questioned Lily as she pointed to Timmy. "By the way I'm Lily and the guy standing next to me is my brother Timmy. So what do you say?" 

Before both guys could answer, the two shared a look. While Johnny and Sef were packing up Johnny's stuff, they shared details of what had happened to each other. To these two, they are like brothers, or two peas in a pod, despite their different personality. Together, they are a force to be reckon with. Student bodies coined the terms Fire and Ice Prince, as the two's personality resembles the two element respectively. 

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