Part 1

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"And stay out" (F/N)'s Mother screamed as she slammed the door behind hime effectively kicking him out the house. (F/N) sighed as he walked out of his slum the streets stank like human waste, probably because people have bleed, vomitted, and shit all over the streets.

The only source of life on the streets was the pub, (F/N) watched the pub as occasionally it sent out a drunk who would stumble off. He eventually moved on though, he walked down a deserted alleway making sure to stay out of sight as gangs were pretty popular in this part of town.

Finally, (F/N) found a hay bale to sleep in, and he slept the nigh away. He woke up to an angry guy screaming at him, (F/N) ran off and found himself on a very populated street.

It was then when (F/N) felt his stomach growl, "Jeeze why do I have to get hungry now" (F/N) then noticed how many rich people there were, he saw cains and top hats galor.

"Jackpot" (F/N) thought to himself, but then (F/N) realized another issue he stuck out pretty well, he was a mess his hair and face were covered with dirt, at least (F/N) hoped it was dirt, and his clothes were ripped and torn. (F/N) was not a sight for sore eyes. So his key idea not look like he was a scum bag, (F/N) moved in the crowd trying not to be seen by the man he was looking at.

(F/N) was only trying to get some money so he could eat, "Come on god do this for me just this once" (F/N) though as he reached for the money sticking out of the mans pocket. But, unfortunatley God was not in a giving mood, "Hey!!" the man screamed as he turned to see a teenager trying to pick his pocket. (F/N) ran fast as the man gave chase, (F/N) felt the mans presence but he kept going.

Until finally he triped over a brick, and the man caught up to him wheezing, "I'll teach you not to steal from me" as he raised his fist about to strike (F/N), a figure jumped in front off him. "Oii, Oii you wouldn't hit a lune would you?" the figure said to the man outraged man, "What??" the man said clearley enraged that he couldn't teach a thief a lesson, "My cousin" the boy said gesturing to you, "he's kinda out there you know" (F/N) got up a little confused.

"The boys out of his mind" the man said the gears going off in his brain, "Yeah he has allot of issues I'm trying to look after him". The man seemed to calm down a little bit, "Well do a better job" he said exasperated. "Of course sir" the boy said patting the man on the side. The boy grabbed (F/N) and the two walked off, "In two seconds hes gonna realize I swipled his pouch so go" the two boys ran fast and out of sight as the man exploded and realized he had just been robbed.

When the two boys made it to safety the one who had saved (F/N) did a mock bow and took off his hat, revealing his long curly black hair, "Jacob Frye" the boy said with a devilish grin. "(F/N)" (F/N) said to Jacob, Jacob looked about 16 the same age as (F/N), "You're not a good thief are you?" Jacob said amused, "no i'm not" (F/N) replied amused by Jacob snapped his fingers, "(F/N) I have a brilliant idea maybe we could steal from the rich and give to us together, as a trio."

(F/N) was confused now, "Im all for stealing from people, but you need three people to have a trio", Jacob seemed confused now, but then realization appeared on his face, "Ohh you have'nt met her yet, come on im taking you back to my headquarters" and Jacob started jogging off, (F/N) shrugged "why not?" and jogged off after Jacob. That was the first time (F/N) met his best friend Jacob Frye.

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