Chapter 37~ I Love You

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Songs of the Day-
21 Guns and Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day

Your POV

I felt really guilty about what I did to Levi. But it wasn't really me that was in control. I couldn't help it. I was scared. I was scared of getting that close to him and then telling him about what had happened.

Of all people, it was Bertholdt. Bertholdt was the person that I felt watching me. I couldn't believe it. Bertholdt was the boy at school that was picked on. And when he was getting picked on Reiner, Ymir, or Annie came in to get him out. I know. Bertholdt was the tallest guy in the school and he was getting picked on. But he couldn't hurt a fly, yet he threatened to hurt Levi, Hanji, Erwin, and Mike. What was I supposed to do...

"Oi YN?" I heard Levi knock on the door. I flinched at the sudden noise. "W-what is it?" I say lowly but I knew he heard me. "I  just wanted to tell you that...that I'm y'know I'm here if you need to talk..." Levi told me through the door. "Okay." I make the conversation short but he wanted to keep talking. "I'm coming in." He said before I could object and the door flung open. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Walking into you're room....and now I'm closing the door." He said as he shut the door and sat down next to me on the bed. I then noticed that he had no shirt on and blush covered my face. He smirked at me being flustered. "I didn't mean it literally." I complained at him taking my question very literal. I cover my blush covered face with a spare pillow.

I knew he could tell that something was wrong with me. But he didn't ask, which I was semi grateful for.

He suddenly sat up and went over to my record player that was in the corner of my room. He lifted the lid of the record player and went over to the carton where I keep all of my vinyls. "What are you doing?" I asked him, but I clearly tell what he was going to do. "What does it look like I'm doing ugly door? I'm playing a vinyl." He told me as he looked through all the vinyls.

He pulled out the "American Idiot" and the "21st Century Breakdown" albums by Green Day. (A/n: sorry. I'm obsessed with Green Day. I can't help myself)

He put on the "American Idiot" album and skipped the needle to play a certain song. I heard the familiar guitar boom through the small speakers and throughout the room. I closed my eyes and laid back on my bed. I felt the left side of the bed sink down and turned to see Levi laying down next to me.

I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known.

Don't know where it goes but its only me and I walk alone.

I walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams.

Where the city sleeps and I'm the only one and I walk alone.

I began to hum the song and I felt Levi's hand take mine in his. "You like Green Day?" I hummed and began to rub circles in the palm of his hand. "'s one of my hidden interests..." I hear him murmur in reply. He was falling asleep. I lowly chuckle that he was falling asleep so quickly. I turned to see him and my eyes trailed to his toned torso. I blush once more and I become glad that he was asleep.

 I blush once more and I become glad that he was asleep

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