"So you're Mr. Prem Saxena?" her father asked.

"Yes Sir that's me." I replied feeling conscious and he laughed.

"Oh need to be so formal. I was just asking casually. I've heard a lot about Kiran as she is all Preeti talks about since she met her." He said making me smile "I just asked about you as I heard a lot about you after the last annual function at their University." he said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I still can't believe Mother allowed them to do that." I said shaking my head and he laughed.

"Yeah I heard how Kiran surprised you. Preeti talked about that for over a week," he said making me so happy but I composed myself in front of them.

"That's so nice of her. Bitto also talks about her only." I said and he gave me a look "Oh, I call my sister Bitto." I explained.

"Oh that's so sweet. You sound like a father rather than a brother." her mother said admiringly.

"She is my child only for me." I said smiling.

"You are talking just like Preeti," her father said chuckling.

Just then, we heard Bitto and Aman talking and turned to see them enter. Preeti was behind them and they were almost hiding her. I couldn't see her until Bitto moved to greet Preeti's father and Aman followed her. I felt as if air was knocked out of me. She was wearing a dark blue washed out jeans which fit her perfectly and tightly and topped it with a buttoned down blue and pink printed shirt which had its sleeves rolled up and was left open, a white spaghetti strap top inside. She had her hair down flowing till her waist and was looking so gorgeous that I couldn't take my eyes off her. However, Bitto made me as she came and put a hand on my arm asking me to go. We said our goodbyes to her parents, I promised to drop them off in time, and then we left. Somehow, Anand managed to ask Bitto and Aman to sit with him and he sat in the middle so they won't be able to see us clearly above the seats and allowed Preeti to sit beside me.

She took out her phone as we started and Anand got the kids busy in chatting about everything to anything. Preeti forwarded her phone to me after a while and I carefully took it without the kids noticing. She had something typed on it in our chat box.

I hope I'm not looking odd. Kiran made me wear it. She said that since she's wearing jeans, I couldn't stand out. I hope you don't mind.

I frowned and tried to type back when she took the phone back. I looked at her and she signed me to drive carefully. I guess I'll only get to talk after we reach.

We reached Bitto's favourite restaurant and she squealed making us laugh. She hugged me and dragged Preeti and Aman inside. Anand and I followed.

"What was that phone passing all about?" Anand asked in a whisper.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Is it personal?" he raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"She just said something casually and typed it as we never casually talked in front of Bitto so she won't get suspicious" I replied whispering and he nodded.

We took our seats and placed our orders. Preeti was sitting just opposite me with Aman who was chatting busily with Bitto next to him. Anand was sitting between Preeti and me and thus he nudged me to introduce him properly at least. However, before I can, Bitto did.

"Di did I introduce you to Bhai?" she asked her and Preeti shook her head. "How silly of me"; Bitto smacked herself behind her head.

"Di this is Bhai, I mean Anand Bhai. He is my second brother and Bhaiya's best friend"; then she looked at Anand "And Bhai this is Preeti Di that I always talk about" she introduced them and went back to her conversation with Aman.

"Hello" Preeti greeted Anand.

"Hi" he replied somewhat sadly.

Preeti looked at the kids and then leaned in to whisper something in Anand's ear. He suddenly smiled and went normal. What did she say?

I took out my phone to ask, but thought to reply her previous query first,

I don't mind you wearing anything you want and you look as beautiful as always. Moreover, even if I minded, it should not bother you. Yes, we are together, but it's your life. It should be you who decide for it and yourself, not me, not anyone else. SO never bother about what anyone or even I think; just do what you want and are comfortable to do.

I hit send and she looked down to her phone after a moment. She opened and then looked up to me with warm eyes. She nodded slightly and her eyes told me she got my message clearly. However, before I can ask further, our food arrived. We spent the rest of the time eating and chatting and I never got a chance to ask her anything. Then we dropped her and Bitto and went to Anand's. I'm crashing there again as I won't go to an empty house. I didn't ask him about what was said, as it didn't feel right.

I slept off with the happy thoughts of the first time I spent a very good time with my family, my whole family.


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