"We'll be there." Normani whispered back. They both giggled before saying there goodbyes and going back inside their homes.

Dinah was now sitting in the living room, drinking a glass of whey protein, and a protein bar in her other hand. Normani walked over to her girlfriend and stood in front of her. She waited for the girl to put down the drink before speaking.

"Where's mine?" Normani asked, usually Dinah made their protein drinks but she liked hers to be frozen.

"In the freezer." The younger girl pointed behind her, into the kitchen.

"Okay, just making sure." Normani said as she was pulled onto Dinah's lap. "Guess what came in the mail?"

Dinah looked up into her girlfriend's beautiful eyes, getting distracted for a bit. "What?"

"Your test results." Normani said cheerfully as she sat all of the other mail onto the coffee table, handing the important envelope to her girlfriend.

Dinah began opening it, but just as she read " Dear, Ms. Hansen ", she got nervous and threw the papers back at Mani. " I can't take it. You read them." She said, nervously biting on her nails.

Normani chuckled and shook her head. "Dear, Ms. Hansen....we would like to inform you that you have passed your Physiology test with a score of 89.99 percent !" Normani squealed halfway through the letter.

Dinahs jaw dropped and her eyes widened. Not because she was surprised that she passed, but because she was excited that she could finally tell her family good news.

Whenever she told them news, it usually involved Normani or their friends, and they wouldn't wanna hear about it and change the subject.

"Wait, wait, wait! Let me finish it!" Normani yelled. " We would like to have you back next fall to attempt the Zoology testing during the semester."

"Ohmygoshbabe!" She said in one breath. "Do you know what this means?" Dinah asked as she tightened her arms around her girlfriend's waist. Normani smiles widely, sitting on her lap and waits for Dinah to continue. "This is my second course I've passed!"

Normani nodded, "You're on your way to becoming a veterinarian baby!", she said excitedly and giggled as her girlfriend began peppering kisses all over her face and neck.

Dinah pulled back, out of breath and truly excited at the new accomplishment.
" Thank you"

Normani and Dinah looked into one another's eyes for what felt like hours. "For what?"

"For believing in me and spending money on this expensive ass school so that I could achieve my dream when others said I wouldn't be able to. My brothers and sisters look up to me and it kills me to know that my mom doesn't want them to. " Dinah said sadly, causing Normani to frown.
"She hates the fact that I dropped out of college to be here. Her and my dad don't like the fact that I don't need them anymore." She says before she sniffles.

"Its alright baby. You're gonna prove them wrong. " Normani said, wiping away the younger girl's tears. "You're a great big sister and you'll get to show that this weekend. Don't worry about it."

She hated when Dinah got emotional, especially when she felt like it was her fault that she didn't get to see her siblings as often as she'd like. It killed her to know that her mother would say such hurtful things to make Dinah feel bad. Normani knew that Milika thought it would make Dinah wake up and realise that Normani was bad for her.

Normani wasn't bad for her at all. She cared for Dinah and gave all of her love to her. Normani would never do anything to hurt Dinah or stand in the way of her happiness or keep her from achieving her life goals and being the best at her dream job. The older girl always encouraged Dinah to be better, but Milika and Gordon didn't see any of it.

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