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     I stood in front of the mirror admiring how beautiful I looked in my dress. In the beginning I wasn't that ecstatic about the baby shower, but now I couldn't be more excited. These hormones are really getting the best of me.

     I placed my hand on my protruding belly and smiled. I smiled at how gorgeous I looked in my dress, how beautiful the stylist had curled my hair, how chubby my cheeks were, and how excited baby Jumpy was inside of me. For the first time in a long time my smile was sincere and not forced. Staring at myself in the mirror made it more real than I realized—I'm going to be a mommy soon. Tears of joy threatened to pour, but I refused to ruin my flawless make up.

"You look lovely mamas," the stylist, Amyiah, stated with a smile.

"Thank you," I smiled back, pulling her into a hug. She hugged me back, got her supplies and left.

     Three loud taps at the door let me know that Rakim was ready. He walked into the room looking as handsome as ever in an all-white blazer, a white button up shirt, white skinny jeans, and white Tim's. His hair was freshly French braided and of course he was rocking that killer gold grill that I love. As mad at him as I've been lately, I can honestly say my baby looked sexy.

He walked a circle around me and wrapped his arms around my belly. "You look beautiful baby," he whispered on my neck causing me to blush. "I know these last few weeks we ain't been on the best of terms, but I'ma make it up to you. I just been kinda stressed ya know?"

"Thanks Rakim and I understand," I said fixing the collar on his shirt.

     I didn't fully forgive him, but I wasn't going to let a problem between us ruin this wonderful day. I pecked his lips gently, making sure not to stain them with lipstick. Rakim took my hand as he led me outside to an all-white Limo. Once we were in, we made our way to our baby shower.

     When we made it to the venue I was in full awe. There was a huge white banner hanging from the building that read "A Ceremony to Welcome Royalty: Prince Jacobs" in gold, cursive letters. It was simply beautiful and breathtaking. Rakim came to my side of the Limo to open my door and guided me into the building. The inside was even more gracefully decorated in all white and gold. It was a bit much for a baby shower, but nonetheless stunning.

"Congratulations Harlem. You look gorgy," Paris said as she pulled me into a hug. After the day I had seen her at the hospital we've semi made up. It was more Andrea's idea than mine to invite her here, though.

"Thank you," I smiled and continued on to greet my guest.

     It seemed like everybody was here—people I went to school with, people I was cool with from my old neighborhood, my bros from the mob, my play cousins, Clay's family, Y'hana, Hayleigh, Sj, everybody. Even Trisha. I decided to invite her to show that I had no hard feelings against her; Rakim and Andrea thought it was a good idea.

     After walking around greeting almost everyone, my pregnant behind was tired. I spotted "the throne" they had made for me to sit in and quickly walked towards it.

"Baby," Rakim called out from behind me. "I got somebody I want you to meet." Before turning around I fixed my smile to mask my exhaustion.

"Hi, nice to-" I turned around and found myself face to face with the most important person in my life. He was wearing an all-white tailored, Versace suit, had a fresh line up, and a smile as bright as day. "Daddy?" I questioned, slapping my face to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "DADDY!" I yelled jumping into his arms.

"Whoa, be careful Princess. You do have an attachment," my Dad chuckled. He pulled me in for a hug and rested his head on top of mine.

"I'm sorry Daddy. I just miss you so much," I cried.

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