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     It had been five whole days and I hadn't heard as much as a "hello" from Clay. I hadn't shared a tear or hardly gave a fuck. Another one bites the dust as I saw it. At this point in my life I was used to people walking out on me, so I didn't see him as any different.

     That situation aside, I really have been feeling about ignoring my father's attempts to reason with me. Deep down inside I knew that Sevyn Santino would never hurt me. I love my Dad and he loves me back. I decided to call Mr. Tutuola and ask him to set up a phone call to me from my Dad. Reluctantly, he was able to do so.

"Hello, baby girl?" My Dad said in a husky voice that was filled with hope and nervousness.

"Yes Dad....It's me." We sat on the phone silent for a few seconds. It had been almost three weeks since he had last talked to me. The silence was killing me, so I decided to break it. "How are you Daddy? Are they treating you right in there?"

"I'm good Harley. I just wish I could be home with you. I hope you're holding up?" He said in more of a question than a statement.

"Yes Daddy, I've been fine." I lied through my teeth. For a while I thought I was fine, but in reality I was always far from it.

"Look Harlem, I'm sorry about the Y'hana situation," he blurted out of nowhere. I knew it would eventually come up. "I really didn't want you to find out like that. There's so much I need to tell you, but now is just not the right time. You just gotta trust me, Princess, and know that Daddy has your best interest at heart."

     I was silent still processing the information. What did he mean about "there's so much I need to tell you"? This nigga got more secrets? I decided not to press the issue. This was something we needed to discuss face to face at a more appropriate time.

"I do trust you, Daddy, and I know you would never do anything to hurt me intentionally."

     My Dad and I talked on the phone for hours like old college buddies. We reminisced on the good times and how we both wished we could get them back. Every now and again he'd ask me something about how things were going at home. I told small lies that I made up along the way to keep him from being too worried about me. I decided to leave out the situation with Paris and the fact that I lost my virginity to a guy and he completely vanished on my ass; those situations were dead to me. An automated voice came on to tell me and my Dad we had five minutes left.

"Harlem, it truly felt good to talk to you today Princess. You just don't know how distraught I have been these past few weeks, because I thought something had happened to you."

     Instantly I felt like shit. I hated the fact that I had placed so much stress on him after he was already going through enough.

"I'm sorry Daddy," I said in the phone, choking back tears. "I was mad at you, and didn't consider the circumstances. I'm really selfish."

"Aye you put them tears up, Princess. You had every right to be upset; I had been keeping things I should have told you away from you. I'll tell you what though, I know you may not want to, but you should really go and live with Y'hana while I straighten out this bullshit." I sighed. "I know, I know Harlem 'you don't know them folks', but just hear me out," he said mocking me directly, causing us both to laugh. I always have said that when he tried to get me to spend the night at other relatives house, or hang around anybody that wasn't Paris. "She's good people and has been dying to meet you. The kids too, they always ask about you."

"I don't know Daddy, I-"

"Please Harlem, do it for me. Please?"

I sighed. "Ok Daddy, fine. If that's what you want, I'll do it."

His voice was cheery. "Thank you, Princess. Get over there as soon as possible. I love you Harlem."

"I love you too Daddy," I replied in just enough time, because the phone had disconnected.

     I laid down in my bed and pressed play on the movie "Shottas". I decided to call Y'hana early in the morning, and gather some of my stuff then. I just really hoped this worked out, because in all honesty, she was the last person I had left.

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