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     I woke up the next morning curled up in a ball on the floor. My head was pounding, my body was sore, and my stomach was tied in a knot. Moments later I rushed to the bathroom and was hugging the toilet. On me, that will be the last time I drink! I threw up chunks of nothing, because I hadn't eaten anything. I took a long look in the mirror and sighed. My eyes were red, puffy and bore bags big enough for me to pack myself away in. The scars from Y'hana showed clearly on my left cheek along with several other minor bruises—needless to say looked horrible.

     I cut on the shower and let the hot water hit my body as I hugged myself. I know I've said it before, but this time I mean it—no more being Mrs. Naive! Right now I'm by myself until I free my father and I am no longer going to depend on someone else. I made a promise to God to do better for myself and I'm going to do just that. It's time to go into survival mode.

     After I brushed my teeth, I walked nakedly into my room to get dressed. In the shower I made the plan to go see my Dad. It's time to let him know what's really been going on. I got dressed in a pair of gray sweats, a black shirt that read "Obey" in white letters, and my Concord 11 Jordan's. I pulled my hair into a high bun, and applied some lip gloss to my lips. I grabbed my car keys, side bag, and oversized Chanel sunglasses, then was out the door.

     The drive to the jail house was torture, just like the first time. I followed all security procedures then was transported to the visiting area.

"Well look at who we have here," Craig, the bullshit ass security guard that was trying to get with me last time stated. "I thought after your last visit I'd never see you again, considering that lil punkass inmate pissed you off. What's good baby? You back to see me?"

I looked at him in disbelief and disgust. "Nigga if you don't shut the fuck up talking to me, I'll make one phone call and have your heart sitting in my hand. You don't know shit about me or my father. And believe you me, my boy, you ain't my type. Step the fuck off and I'm dead ass about that, 'cus these ain't the type of problems you want. Please believe that!" I yelled at his ass, causing the whole visitation wing to get quiet. His face was bloodshot red with embarrassment, but I don't give a fuck. Serves him right.

"Was that a threat?" He asked through a clenched jaw.

"Call it what you like, pussy ass nigga!" I spat back. Today is the day that I refuse to back down.

He stared at me with rage and hate piercing through his eyes. I stared back with the same expression. "Harlem Santino," the woman called out. I smiled at Craig, then walked to the visiting room to see a real, my Daddy.

"Was that you I heard spitting tough at somebody?" my Dad asked with a smile.

"It be like that sometimes, Daddy. These niggas gone respect the name or get the fuck up outta dodge." I said, reiterating one of the many phrases he constantly says.

"That's my baby girl. And why is it every time I see you, you all bruised up? And I don't want to hear shit about no 'lil altercation', tell me the real."

     I sighed and told him about the situation that happened with Paris and Y'hana. I didn't say anything about the Clay situation, because that dream still has me unsure about him. My Dad looked so hurt knowing that two people that we both trusted so much betrayed me.

"Them doing that to you was like a slap in my face, and I'm Sevyn Joseth Santino; ain't no bitch slapping me in my face and getting away with it. I never thought Y'hana would do some shit like that. I feel like this is all my fault. I sent you into that trap. She's really jealous of you, because I've made it clear that there's no woman alive that could take your place. And Paris. Man. After all that we've done for her? After all the shit that you two have been through? I can't believe she would do something like that. In due time, Harlem. That's all I'ma say. In due time."

"It cool daddy. I'm good outchea." I said with a smile. "How's the case going?"

"The case is a fucking mess. Tutuola is doing all he can though. Harlem, I think somebody set me up, majorly. There's absolutely no way possible all this shit could be pinned on my like that. This isn't some shit that just popped up neither nah, this shit had been carefully planned out. By who? I don't know, but that's what I need you to find out."

"Anything to see you free, Daddy. Anything." I said, and I meant it too. I would lie, kill, and steal to see this man walking on solid ground. He told me what he needed me to do, and I just listening, taking in every bit of information. It wasn't going to be easy, but it's damn sure gone get done, and quick too.

"Get in touch with Rakim and lay low. Out of everybody I know I can trust him to look after you. Remember all the things I taught you about the streets and you'll be fine, Princess. I got a lot of faith in you, Harlem, because you're strong and can do anything you prepare yourself for. I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too, Daddy, and I'ma do all I can to see you out in the free world." I walked over to him, kissed his forehead, and left the visitation room.

     I sat in the car for a few extra minutes to collect my thoughts. It was time to contemplate a plan to get my father back in the free world. I needed to act on his demands quickly, so I won't get caught up by being hardheaded.

     First, I went back to the brownstone and unloaded all of our valuables to put in the safety deposit box. This mainly included jewelry, old photos, two licensed guns, and a tarnished locket that I could never get to open.

     Secondly, I went to visit my grandma. My Grandma Millie died six years ago when thyroid cancer claimed her life. She was 67 years old. That day hurt me to my soul, considering she and my Dad was all I had. My Dad placed 12 million dollars in a private estate under her name just in case he ever got caught up in a drug charge and the Feds tried to cease his assets. This was mostly money he earned as a foot soldier long before I was born. When my Dad said "go pay your grandma a visit" I knew he meant "go get the money to complete these changes from that private stash", because we'd previously discussed this code.

     Next, I took my Ferrari to the parking garage where I parked my Dad's Maserati. After that step was complete, I went over to a Toyota dealership. I was told to get a car that nobody would expect Harlem Santino to drive. Something that was not at all as flashy as my Ferrari and helped me blend in with the common people. After carefully viewing the dealership's selection, I chose a black Toyota Prius with tint so dark that it was nearly illegal. I paid cash for it, so I wouldn't leave a paper trail.

     The final step was in play, but I realized I had left the keys to the homes we owned in Staten Island in the safe at the brownstone. I parked my car a block away, then jogged to the brownstone and retrieved the keys quickly. I hadn't ate all day and it seemed like I was losing energy by the second, so I decided to stop at the bodega up the street and get some food. After I ordered two chicken sandwiches and waffle fries, picked up a bag of Doritos, two Snickers, and two 1 liter Dr. Peppers, I proceeded to the checkout line.

"Harlem?" I heard a familiar male voice call out. I didn't want to be recognized. I knew it was a bad idea to come here. I passed the cashier a fifty, told him to keep the change, and proceeded to leaving the store. "Harlem, come here. You can trust me, I promise." The voice continued to call out. Then it hit me. I knew exactly who that was. I stopped dead in my tracks, giving him time to catch up. "I've been looking all over for you. Where've you been? I've been worried sick, Harlem. You can trust me. Let me protect you." He whispered softly on my neck, hugging me from behind.

I turned around and hugged him tightly. Resting my head onto his strong chest and being wrapped up in his caring embrace, I exhaled. I exhaled, because for the first time since my dad had been arrested I felt safe. I exhaled, because I felt protected in this arms. I exhaled, because I knew he would never let anything happen to me. I exhaled, because I knew without a doubt do all he could to help me free my father.

"C'mon, we gotta get you outta you here! This place ain't safe for you no more!"

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