"I'm sorry for saying all that stupid shit to you at the beginning about being careful with him. It's pretty clear now that he cares about you...and you care about him." I nod as he speaks sincerely. "I'm happy for you guys, Bella."

"Thank you." I say before sipping the remains of my water.

"Here, let me grab another one of those for you." Logan reaches over and grabs my cup before taking his and mine over to the bar for refills.

My eyes follow him before catching on someone sitting alone at the bar. He's hunched over with at least five empty glasses in front of him. He's clearly not having a very good night.

When he lifts his head to ask the bartender for another drink, I get a better glimpse of his face. Confusion runs through my body when I recognize him. Will.

Why would Harry's brother be at this bar? He doesn't live anywhere near here.

"Sir, I think I'm gonna have to cut you off. Maybe find you a ride home." I overhear the bartender say quietly to Will.

"I just need...one more." Will slurs as he stumbles to his feet and leans across the bar for the bottle of vodka. The bartender quickly catches his wrist, which upsets Will. He shoves the bartender away and straightens himself out. "Don't put your fucking hands on me."

"Alright, man, you need to calm down and get out of here." The bartender tries again, keeping his voice calm.

"And you need to pour me another fucking drink." Will growls, and I find myself standing up quickly as he takes a step around the corner of the bar to confront the man.

"That's it. I'm calling the cops." The bartender reaches for his phone, but Will knocks it out of his hand, letting it fall to the ground.

"Will." A voice shouts, causing him to spin around to see who called his name.

It takes me a moment to realize that it was me. I'm the one that called his name. I don't know why I did, but I did.

"Do you know him?" The bartender calls to me, and I see Logan making his way back over to our table with the drinks. He seems to be confused as he tries to figure out what's going on. Everyone else in the bar is doing the same thing as they stare at us.

"Uh...yeah...I do." I answer unsurely.

"Then why don't you get him the hell out of here before I call the police."

I look back and forth between the man and Will before walking over to him and grabbing Will by the arm. His drunken state makes him easy to pull as I mumble an apology to the bartender and start heading towards the door. I'm thankful when the people in the bar finally refocus their attention back into whatever they were enveloped in before.

"Bella." Logan calls. I see that he set the drinks down on our table before hurrying towards me. "What's going on?"

When he finally catches up to me, I'm standing at the exit, trying to support Will's weight as he staggers slightly.

"Who the hell is this?" Logan asks me.

"It's, uh...Harry's brother." I inform him. I'm not sure if Harry wants people to know about Will, but at this point, that won't be the thing that pisses Harry off tonight. It's going to be the fact that in ten minutes, I'll be pulling into his parking garage with his brother.

"Harry's brother?"

"Yeah. I have to take him home." I say quickly, not wanting to linger here to explain everything to Logan. "I'm so sorry. Thank you so much for all of this, but I have to go."

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