I am so sorry Ezra

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Aria pov
I had been crying ever sence i had gotten back from Alison's house, i feel so aful i runied all of Emily hard work on her and Alison's childs bedroom. It was the worst feeling I have ever gotten and worst I broke my promise to Ezra. He must hate but he will probably hate me more when he finds out what I said in that report that I never filed but I will never get past the regret I feel knowing that I wrote those words down on paper and I can't take them back no matter how hard I try. I suddenly here a door open and I know that it is Ezra i wipe my tears away quickly to try and hide that I am crying.
"Hey Aria I am home" Ezra calls
"Hey Ezra"I say holding back new tears
Ezra pov
I hear Aria trying to hold back tears, all I wonder is why is my princess, the love of my life crying and how can I make it better.
"Aria what's wrong" I ask
"Can we sit" she asks letting a tear fall
We walk over to the couch
"Ezra I don't know how to tell you this, because you will hate me and I don't blame you I hate myself for it and I am truly 100% sorry at what I am about to tell you" she saids wiping more tears that are pouring down her eyes I can tell this is painful to her and that she is truly sorry and hurting for what she did so I am keeping an open mind because I don't want to lose her, because i love her more than I love anything in my life.
"The day after I found out about the book and what we said on the ski lift" she paused wiping away more tears falling down her face " I Umm went to the police to fill out a report on you" she stops again to wipe more tears that are flowing more frequently now" when I got there I started writing then I stopped to think why I am doing yes he lied to me about everything but is the right thing to do I then stop writing and tell the officers that it was just a stupid thing no big deal they nod and I take the paper crumble it into a ball and throw it into a garbage can. As I go home to cry and throw things at home. Not knowing that A.D took it and is now using it against me knowing that you will hate and probably leave and I totally understand but I can't hurt Spencer like A.D wants me to so I need to tell you before it gets to bad and hopefully I will loose this awful pit in the bottom of my stomach" she saids crying harder and harder making me feel awful.
"Aria" I say as she looks up at me and I see puddles of teardrops forming in her eyes wanting to come pouring out into the real world covering up her amazing hazel eyes that are full of joy and hope
"I love you, I understand but this is my fault I write the stupid book and lied to you making you do this, but Aria you stoped it you made it better found another way, I am sorry about the quilt but let me make one thing Crystal clear Aria Marie Montgomery nothing in this entire world would ever make me leave you because if I do I will be broken and look that is in the past this is the future and I want you in the future like I said Aria I love you and I will always love you" I wipe her tears and pull her closer to me she stops crying and I see a small smile as she snuggles deeper into my chest as I enjoy this moment with Aria in my arms

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