I shut my eyes wanting nothing more than to wake up in my bed and be able to redo the day. I would not have let Carter leave me and I would have avoided Nate at all costs. Clenching my lids even tighter, the tears finally fell only to be wiped away. "I don't want to be his" I spoke up honestly after a moment of eerie silence. My body felt weak as if I may vomit just thinking of all the possibilities. Feeling dizzy I laid back down, enjoying the soft fluffy pillow against my pounding head. "How can we undo this?"

"We can't un-mark you but maybe I can mark over it?" Carter suggested unsurely. "I don't know if it will work but it's worth a try" he added as I nodded. It cannot possibly make this any worse.

"I will do anything" I vowed as his coffee-colored pools darkened slightly with lust from the thought of being so intimate with me. Though his exterior appeared to be amused by this, his wolf was terrified. Terrified that it may not work.

"I want to do this right" He smiled convincingly, pushing his fears to the side as he tossed his leg over me, so his lean body was straddling mine. "I'm sorry this happened to you" his pointer finger ran along my cheekbone as he apologized picking up any stray tears on its way.

"It's not your fault," I told him twisting my hand in his shirt as I pulled his face closer to mine. When he was close enough, I wrapped my arms around his neck continuing to tug him closer. I did not want to admit it but wanting to pursue this was not because I was ready to take my relationship with Carter to the next level, this was pure desperation.

"Are you sure?" Carter asked sweetly feeling my swirling emotions before he kissed me, his orbs twinkling happily as they met mine.

"I'm sure" I vowed as his lips crashed into mine eagerly. The familiar electric sparks pulsed my mouth as we touched causing me to immediately moan on his slippery lips. Loving the reaction, he was getting, he kissed harder and more passionately.

He bit my bottom lip tugging ever so slightly giving me the opportunity to bring my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues rolled around with one another's for a minute before Carter diverted his lips across my cheek and down to my neck and more importantly my sweet spot. The fireworks that were currently going through my body stopped as soon as his lips hit my marking spot. Instead of the pleasuring feeling I expected, I was greeted with an uncomfortable burning, but I did not stop him.

"Do it" I begged my nails meeting his back roughly as I dug them in nervously. This is it. Our one chance. Carter sighed in my ear as his canines plunged into my neck where Nate's previously were. Instantly my wolf was scrambling around trying to fight his off since we were already claimed. I could not help the desperate whine that escaped my lips as Carter tried to take over my body and my wolf's previous claim. My entire being tightened up, my eyes clenched, my fingers gripped his skin harder, digging my nails deeper. Salty droplets flowed from my eyes, each one making my skin feel like it was on fire.

"Get off!" Nate's loud voice met my ears causing Carter to pull back and spin to look at his Alpha who was standing casually in the doorway. The look that dominated his face was like a kid caught with his hand stuck in a cookie jar. He was stunned by the fact that his Alpha could now feel my emotions and knew of our intentions.

As I looked up, I saw his focus was already glaring at me with disapproval. His chest was rising and falling drastically as my wolf coward in fear of what else he was capable of. "What do you think you're doing?" He turned his attention to Carter who was still straddling my body sexually. His arms were planted on both sides of my head, caging me in so he could protect me if necessary.

"I'm trying to fix what you did!" He shrieked angrily his brown hair flopping around as he hollered.

"You can't change it now so stop trying!" Nate demanded without listening to us and our needs "I told you Jamie is my mate now" He continued. Hearing my name come from his mouth for the first time felt weird. My wolf buzzed around joyfully, hearing it as magical as it came from his mouth. I, on the other hand, did not understand why I did not hate it. In fact, a small part of me enjoyed his husky voice purring my name out. Shaking my head, I rid it of those thoughts.

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