Lexa stares at her, then turns ahead, not able to suppress the slight ache in her chest.

"You're bad."

She was right, after all. Lexa is bad. She's no good. Everywhere she goes, a bad headline follows.

But she wants that to change. It has to change. She has to prove Indra wrong. And she will.

"People change," Lexa says with a monotone voice, not bothering to look at Costia.

"Bullshit. People don't change. And you certainly won't. Lexa I know you." Costia offers a light smile but Lexa doesn't reciprocate. She just stares ahead.


"God she pisses me off," Raven chomps down on her sandwich, grunting as she does so while Clarke nods.

"What an entitled piece of shit. She thinks she can just say something and she'll get it! With the snap of a finger!"

Octavia smiles lightly, "well...she kind of can."

"Not the point, O." Clarke shoots Octavia a glare and sighs, "I just hate her. I mean, of all schools in California, why ours? It's demeaning to us." Clarke drinks her coffee and shakes her head in annoyance.

"How is it demeaning?" Octavia argues as Jasper walks over with Octavia's coffee, placing it down slowly and walks away quietly.

"Octavia we have the most notorious celebrity at our school. Half of the country hates her. She's an entitled asshole." Clarke nods, agreeing with Raven. However, Octavia does not agree.

The blue eyed girl rolls her eyes, "you're just jealous of her."

"Excuse me?" Clarke scoffs and Octavia laughs, "the girl's the richest 16 year old in the world! She's a freaking millionaire and an insanely good actress."

"She's not that good," Clarke argues but Octavia scoffs, "oh yeah? Have you ever even seen any of her movies? Or shows she was on?"

The blonde goes to answer but freezes. She hasn't. She's always hated Lexa Woods that she never gave laid eyes on a film or show she acted in.

Clarke shakes her head, "that doesn't matter. What matters is that she is a jerk that needs to understand how high school works. If she wants to 'be normal', then she has to act like it. That's all I am saying." Clarke shrugs and eats her muffin in a huff.

Raven glances between the two, "Clarke's right. She has to get the fact that here she isn't a celebrity. I don't care if she's Lexa Woods or Madonna. She shouldn't be getting special treatment. It's unfair to the rest of us."

"She isn't used to the way we live-" "then she has to adapt! O, she's here to get rid of her stuck up, bad boy image, right? If she really wanted that, then she'd stop accepting the praise and free gifts. It's not fair in any way, shape or form."

Clarke nods in agreement, then starts to think about the actress. She remembers how green those eyes were. They captivated Clarke's attention. Almost like her eyes told a whole different story; like her eyes were a completely different person.

But she hates the actress. No matter what those eyes say, the rest of Lexa was terrible and greedy. Clarke wouldn't give in to the green eyed beauty, no matter how she looked at her or the smirks she gave her that made Clarke want to melt right in front of her, or how she talked to Clarke in the flirty way she does.

Clarke shakes her head, trying to get Lexa out of her mind.

She will not let Lexa get inside of Clarke's head. The girl was a known player and after all...she's an actress.


Hey guys! So I am hoping you like this story so far! 

I have a question: What story would you like me to update next? All of them are Emison if you don't know but please tell me which one you would like to see updated! (Besides this one)


Guess what! Shannon Beveridge (nowthisisliving), my favorite YouTuber of ALL TIME followed me on twitter today :) Follow me on twitter!:  LiveTheOrdinary Shan followed today and replied to me! :) I have never been more ecstatic in my LIFE!

Anywho...Rant over :)

What do you think will happen next?

What do you want to happen next?

Review and Comment!

~Stay Fearless~

Caleigh <13

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