Impressions XXVII

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"No, no and nope You dont need to go anywhere with him," Harmony says.

"Realy Har, hes not going to try anything. He is August's friend,"

"And?! Nope,"

"Please, it will be fun,"

"No, ask August. If he says yes then I'll go,"

"Fine," I hang up and turn on my laptop. I skype August and wait. I got to look good for August. I tease my hair a bit and put on my carmex.

"Ay can yall shut the hell up?,"His friends laugh then walk out. "Hey," He smiles.

"Hey, how are you? ," I ask him.

"Fine, you?,"

"Good, I saw Nick in the store today,"

"Mhmm," He snacks on something.  Trail Mix.

"Is that trail mix?," He lifts the bag.


"Really? Im mad at you now," He laughs.

"Yo ass was at the store, why didnt you buy any?,"

"I dont know?," I rub my belly. "India misses you,"

"Baby its Jordan, you keep miss pronouncing it," I laugh.

"No i-," Back to Nick. "Never mind, " I massage my belly. "So back to seeing Nick at the store," He nods. "He asked me if I wanted to go to the game?,"


"No with Harmony. But the problem is its in Phoenix, "



"No your not going. I know what Nick is like and hes going to try somethings,"

"Baby hes not. If I ask him-,"

"Of course hes going to say no. And Im saying no for you going. Did you forget that your pregnant?,"

"No I didn't, " I hold onto my belly.

"Well your not going end of discussion,"

"Okay, "

"I know your going to find a way to get out there, so..,"


"So, imma call him and tell him,"

"There you go acting like my dad,"

"No Im acting as your husband. And your acting like a 15 year old,"

"Okay August,"

"Yeah, wheres Noah? ,"

"Its the weekend hes at your moms," I check my email from Wendy Williams. "Baby Wendy wants me back on the show,"

"Nah she noisy as hell," I bust out laughing.

"Well I wanna go back on. Plus I can announce its a girl,"

"Mel its a boy, just get proof,"

"No I told the doctor that I want it to be a suprise," He shakes his head. "I just told her yeah,"

"Wow, you hard headed, "  I stick my tongue out at him. "Thats why we fit like peanut butter and jelly," I smile.

"You can be jelly, I wanna be peanut butter,"

"Nah," I giggle.

"I miss you,"

"I miss you too baby," He smiles. For hours and hours we talked and talked. Laughed, then talked. Like we havent seen each in years.

**the next morning**

I wake up and see Im getting bigger.  Today is my 3rd month. I put on my sweatshirt and my sweats.

"Ding Dong!," I finish making my coffee and walk to the door. I open the door and Nick is standing there.

"Hey," He looks so good, but not as good as August. Well they are equal.


"I got August's text," I roll my eyes, he needs to chill. "I understand no need to trip. And he wanted me to check on you," I laugh to myself.

"Im fine thank you,"

"You kniw you need to need to exercise while pregnant, "

"Hell no," he laughs. 

"Come on go get dressed. I wanna take you some where,"

"Ugh, that means I have to get dressed and-,"

"Blah Blah Blah is all I hear," I laugh and he follows me inside.

"Okay give me a minute," I walk upstairs and rush to find something cute. Why do I feel this way? I take a quick shower and toss on my jeans and my burgandy top. I grab my army green anorak jacket and my tan uggs. I look at the cold weather outside and grab my infinity scarf, I put my jeans over my uggs and add light makeup. I look in the mirror and turn to my side. Am I that noticeable? Yep. I grab my purse and walk downstairs. Tossing my curly hair up in a bun. "Do I look fine?," I ask him.

"Fabulous honey;" He says in a fruity tone. I laugh and follow him out the house.


"Ever been here?," He says taking my in this dinner.

"Nick!," everybody yells, not in a fan tone. But more of a family tone.

"Hey wassup Dad?," Dad?  His fatger owns a restaurant. 

"Hey son,"

"Wheres mom?,"

"Right there," He points with his spatula at her.

"Come on," he grabs my hand, I jump a little then follow him.

"Hey mom," He kisses her cheek.

"Hey baby," She chuckles. "Who is the beautiful lady?,"

"Ma this is Melanie,"

"Well here there Im Lorraine, " I smile.

"Hi," I hug her.

"Oop," she feels the baby bump. "Um Ni-," We start laughing.

"No mom she just a friend," She takes a breathe. I laugh onto Nick and then I catch myself. "Well we hungry," how did he know? 

"Alright here," she hands us menus. We take a booth and talk for awhile. He is a nice guy, cute.

August: hey

August: wyd?

August: wya?

I turn off my phone and listen to Nick's story.

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