Impressions XXI

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1 month later

"Hello?," August says answering the phone. "Okay, okay here I come," He hangs up and wakes me.


"Stori is in labor," He tosses on some clothes. "I'll be back," I nod and he rushes out of the house. I would go to support him, but he needs to be there for his child and the childs mother.

I couldnt go back to sleep that night. Sometimes I wonder how Vincent is doing. Does he think about me? A few hours later, August texts me a picture of him and his son. Noah Reed Alsina. He is cute ole lightskin thing. I hope August being a father now might change his old ways. 


"Mel,"August wakes me.

"Hm?," I wake up.

"Look," I sit up and see Noah. He is so handsome just like his father.

"She let you take him?,"

"She had to go on a busniess run supposedly,"

"She just gave birth?,"

"Yeah I know," I hold him in my arms. I want a child oh so badly.

"Hes so small, and cute," Noah stretches and wraps his finger around mine. I look up and see how happy August is.

"We gotta make a crib and get his room together. I-," He gets all jittery. 

"August calm down, okay. We will get him a crib, go ahead,"

"Okay, I'll go to target and get some things," I nod. I smile at Noah and he has so much hair its crazy. He's so cute and small. With his big brown eyes. I wish I had a child to call mine. I smile at Noah, he yawns and closes his eyes.  "Night Noah,"

"Hello?," I answer my phone.

"What kind should I get cherry wood or just a black one?,"

"Suprise him," He chuckles.

"Alright, cherry wood," He hangs up. I set Noah down right next to me, he curls up into a ball. About a hour later, August tries to set up the crib waking up Noah.

"Come on Noah," I pick him up. "Look at your father," August smiles and puts the last piece together.

"There you are son," August says standing back and looking at the crib. I hand him to August. "Hey Noah, " Noah smiles and yawns. "I think he is tired,"

"No shoot Sherlock," Didnt wanna curse around Noah.

"Come on Noah, lets put you to sleep now," He rocks him and I look at the clock. 2am. How could he still be awake. After he finally gets Noah to sleep, he cuddles up with me. "Mel?," He whispers.


"Im really glad that you stayed by me," I smile.

"You had to have somebody to help you get through this," I say turning over.

"Hopefully we can have a baby,"

"Hopefully," I smile, looking at him.

"I feel like singing," He says.

"Then sing, "

"Imma take you to my world just relax, just to the beat and think of me just relax," Oh the memories this song brings. I smile, hes putting me in the mood roght now.

"August really this song?," He continues to sing.

"Until you scream it scream it scream and when I eat it eat it eat it got you crazy crazy crazy," I laugh, and climb ontop of him.

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