Impressions VI

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1 month later

"Welcome back Ms. Melanie," the doctor puts on his gloves.

"Hi," I smile.

"Okay lets check up on the baby," He adds the cold gel onto my stomach. "Okay," he tries to find the baby. "Mhmm thats strange,"

"Everything okay?," he sighs and keeps looking.

"One minute," He gets up and walks out of the room.


Just like that I had a miscarriage.  How? Why? So early. Really early. Was I even pregnant. I wipe my tears off of my cheek and drive home. Hope August isnt home. I turn the corner and see his car in the driveway. I grab a tissue and fix myself up. I walk into the house and set my purse down. I look down at the picture of August and I and just break down crying. I walk upstairs and start a bath water. My office My alone time. I burn some candles and lock the door. I step into the warm bath water and lay my head back. Why me? What did I do wrong? Why? I try not to cry. After my bath, I throw on some clothes and walk downstairs. I just want go cuddle with August. I walk into the studio and see him and his friends talking and listening to music.

"Hey baby," August says, I put a smile on my face and walk over to him.

"Hey," I kiss him.

"How was your day?," I sit on his lap.

"Fine," I lied.

"Melanie why you lying, I can tell you were crying,"

"No I wasnt," He sighs.

"Aye I'll be right back," he drags me outside. 

"What happened?,"

"Nothing," I walk towards him. "I just want to-,"

"No Melanie what is wrong?,"

"Nothing babe," I dont want to tell him like this.

"Melanie Im not playing," I sigh.

"Well I was driving and I want saying maybe I should get an ultrasound of the baby," He nods. "And then I went for a check up and they couldnt find the baby," I feel August's heart drop to the ground. "I had a miscarriage, "


"I dont know August," I shrug.

"No you do know, you did something,"

"August I didn't do anything okay, its not my fault,"

"Yes it is your the one having the damn child!,"

"August the baby was ours! Its not my fault,"

"Yes it is, what were you fucking other niggas!,"


"Melanie you killed our baby," I started crying.

"No I didnt August dont do you dare say that! I didn't want to hurt the baby in anyway. Your the one that didnt want the baby, "

"No dont try and turn this shit on me. You killed our baby!,"

"Stop fucking saying that I didnt kill the baby!,"

"Yes you did! you killed it!," He towers over me yelling.


"Your murderer!,"

"STOP!," I yell at him. "I didnt kill the baby! Its not my fault!,"

"Yes it is! You didnt even want the baby did you?,"

"I did,  alot,"

"Then why did you ki-,"

"I didnt kill the baby. I didnt do shit!," I yell back at him.

"Everything alright?," His friend comes and interrupts. August looks at me then shakes his head and walks out to the backyard. He slams the patio door causing the glass door to break. His friends look at me, I walk upstairs.


After me hiding, crying. In pain. Telling myself I didnt kill the baby. I kept looking out the window checking on August. I put on my uggs and grab the broom and walk down to the shattered glass. I begin sweeping the glass, and I see August standing there.

"Need some-,"

"No," I cut him off.

"Lo-," I cut him off again by toss the glass in the trash. "Melanie can you pleas-," I toss more glass in the trash. "Melanie can you please just list-,"

"No August, I dont want to talk to you," I sweep up the last pieces of glass.

"Bab-," He tries to grab my wrist.

"No," I wipe my tear. "Just leave me alone," I grab my keys and phone. I go back to where I call home.


"DING DONG!," My mom opens the door and see how torn and a mess I am.

"Oh baby," she opens her arms and I embrace her, crying into her. "Everything is going to be okay," She rubs my back.

"It wasnt my fault," I repeat over and over. "I-I just dont know what happened?," I say.

"Shh its okay," I tell her about the miscarriage.  "He didnt have to say that,"

"But he did over and over,"

"Its okay, you guys are both lashing out of anger," I sigh and lay my head on her lap.

"I was really hoping to become a mom,"

"It will happen soon baby," She strokes my hair.

"So badly," I bring my hand to my stomach.


"Watch out baby," She gets up and sneers the door. I look and see August.

"Hello Mrs.Rodriguez, " August says.  I pay him no mind. "May I speak to Melanie?," she moves out of the way. I flip through the channels. "Okay, nevermind. Sorry to bother,"

"Its alright August," she smiles and closes the door. I close my eyes and breathe slowly. I need some space.

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