Impressions III

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August POV

I wake up the next morning with nobody in the head but my headache. I slowly get up and look around. I see Melanie's phone and keys gone. I sigh and try to remember what happened. I get up and get dressed, I make myself some coffee and take an Advil. I look up and Melanie walks in the house in her workout clothes.


"Hi," She puts her keys down and walks upstairs into the fitness room. I sigh and walk upstairs.

"Mel," She runs on the treadmill.  "Mel," I repeat her name. "Mel!," she stops the treadmill. 


"Whats wrong?," she laughs.

"You honestly dont remember," She says nonchalantly.

"No I dont," She shakes her head and puts her earphones back on.

"Melanie, tell me, " She ignores me. "Mel," She still ignores. I give up and head over to my moms she gives good advice.


"Yes August?,  She asks me.

"I need your help," She sits down wrapped up in a blanket.


"I  guess I did something last night at the club. And Melanie got pissed and she is ignoring me,"

"Okay, well maybe you cheated or embarrassed her?,"

"Cheated? I would've remembered,"

"August you a bad ass boyfriend," I laugh.

"What mom? I didnt do anything, "

"August you must of did something to Melanie to get her pissed.  We dont get pissed that easily. Tell me what you remember? ,"

"Uhm talking to a fan-,"

"You cheated," She cuts me off.

"Mom, I-,"

"I dont wanna hear it, August you have to start treating her right. One day you might wake up and she wont be there," I sigh. "So right now is the time to make your decision.Step up and be a man and stop acting like a pussy," She mushes my face.

"Ma I am a man," I stand up.

"Then act like one and treat her like your queen. Not another bitch,"

"Alright thanks mom,"

"Mhmm, I dont want to hear no more about this,  "

"Alright," I laugh, I have to make things right.


Melanie's POV

I grab my Gatorade and drink it taking a break.

"Melanie," August walks in the room.

"Hm?," I dont look at him. He takes off my earphones. He hands me daisies my favorite flowers. "What is this for?,"

"I want to apologize for cheating,"


"Thats it,"

"Wow," I hand him the flowers back and walk into the room.

"Hey hey hey, I was just playing come here," He grabs my wrists. "I really wanted to say that I am so deeply sorry for embarrassing you and hurting you. You are my queen and I disobeyed you," I smile. "Im sorry," I take the flowers.

"What did you do back there?," I asked him.

"with that girl?,"


"I dont remember, "

"August I just wanted you to know that, my level of trust with you dropped. Im just not sure if I do trust you like. If that's how you act when you are drunk I dont want to be around you, 

"Baby, Im sorry. I just dont know what happened?," he walks closer to me. "I love you," I dont respond. I give him the flowers.

"August you had sex with another girl.  Do you know that?, "

"Dont rem-,"

"But August you had sex with another girl but your girlfriend. You think that you can just show up and ask for forgiveness then you turn around and do the same shit,"

"I wont do it baby-,"

"August I dont forgive you Im sorry. You cheated on me, embarrassed me infront of your friends. And you basically showed them that I dont mean shit to you but a side chick. Sometimes I do wonder if Im the side chick, "

"Melanie you will never be the side chick. Remember that, you will always be my main and mine,"


"What happened last night, happened last night. Thats the past I just want to move on from this,"

"I cant move on from this August,  you basically gave up on us,"

"No I didn't,  I was drunk. I did wrong,"

"And you think that cuts you off some slack? No August, you tell me you love me and Im your queen but you do you really love me?,"

"Melanie I love you okay. I love you," he talks over me. I stop talking.

"Excuse me," I walk past him. This isnt something I can just brush under the rug.

"Melanie, no I want to-,"

"August just leave me alone okay," 

"No Melanie I want to talk about this," I sigh. "Melanie look I am so sorry. I honestly know now I did wrong. But baby please forgive me. I'll do anything," I walk away from him. I walk into the bathroom and take a bath. I lay back and get comfortable. I close my eyes and try to clear my mind.

"Knock Knock! ," August peeks his head in. I roll my eyes, August walks in. He walks over to me and squats down.

"You know I started thinking about how much I need to make things better for you. I need to start treating you like the queen you are. Because I know one day I will wake up and you wont be there," I just listen. "I dont want that day to come," he moves a strand of hair out of my face.

"August, you-,"

"I know what I did wrong,"

"No August you are my king. I love you too. But I dont wanna hear or see this shit again August," He chuckles.  "I mean it,"

"Alright," he plants a kiss on my lips.  "I love you,"

"I love you too," I peck his lips again. "Now let me have my alone time please,"

" Lets be alone together," I laugh.

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