Impressions XV

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4 days later

"So Im back with Ms. Melanie herself," Wendy says.

"Hi," I smile, everybody claps.

"How are you?,"

"Im good and you?,"

"Good good," I smile. "So you know where Im going right now. August," Oh boy.

"Oh Dear," She laughs.

"Wheres the ring?," she asks me.

"Um August took it back,"

"Wait so he took it or you gave it to him,"

"He took it off of my finger, "

"Oh my goodness,  so are you guys like done or?,"

"Um we are working on it, one step at a time," More like Jump straight to sex.

"So what happened, "

"He thought I was cheating which was false,"

"Mhmm," we all laugh.

"And he got heated and called it off,"

"Oh my gosh, wait let me get this straight. Im so lost, he loves you correct,"

"I hope so," I giggle.

"And he loves his ex?!,"


"Oops," She better be lying.

"Well you know I had an one on one interview with August,"


"And we talked about this picture here," She showed me August hugging his ex Stori at the park. Hes snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"Wow," Thats all I can say.

"Yeah, but he does still love her," I nod, I still love Vincent and....

"And your fine with that,"

"Yes because at the end of the day, he's right by my side. And im right by him,"

"Im glad you said that because I have Stori and August back stage. Lets bring them out," She stands up and claps. I sigh and scoot over to make room. I see Stori following behind August. She is stunning Im not going to lie. "Hello Hello,"

"Hi," Stori says sitting next to August.

"Hey," August says sitting in between us.

"Melanie, Stori, Stori Melanie," Wendy says. I put a smile on my face and shake her hand.



"August that must of been awkward? ," Wendy says.

"Very," I smile.

"So Stori mind explaining this photo?,"

"Okay, it was no relation in that one. But he needed his comfort blanket.  Which is me?" Okay.... "And he just needed somebody to tell him everything is going to be okay,"


"That is true. But I just want yall to know there is nothing going on between us," He says referring to Stori, I hope.

"Okay, Melanie?,"

"I have no words for this. I mean the picture shows alot. And that's how I see the picture, more than just friends, "

"We aren't more than friends though," He places his hand on my leg. I dont look at him or respond.

"Stori do you still love August?,"

"Of course?" I just nod. "I mean he's been there with me through everything.  And I just cant find one reason to not love him,"

"Well for starters he broke up with you,"Wendy says, we all laugh.

"No No," she talks over us. "I broke up with him,"

"Not really but okay?" August says.

"What do you mean by that?,"

"She was in the bed with some other guy," everybody oohs.

"No I wasnt,"

"Whatever Stori,"

"Okay, August. The ring. Wedding? Fill us in,"

"Planning to have one," When was I informed.

"Stori how do you feel about them getting married? ,"

"Obviously Im against it, I mean it didnt work out in high school. Or ever their on and off so what makes you think the marriage will work," I laugh to myself. "But I will support and stand by August," I laugh again.

"Something funny, I like to laugh," Wendy says.

"No, sorry,"

"August do you feel the same?,"

"Sometimes I  still do care for Stori, but there's nothing there anymore. Im in love with Melanie," The audience awes.

"Okay August," Stori says.

"Okay what?,"

"3days ago, you hit me up saying how much you miss me and can we work things out,"

"I did not,"

"K, Whatever you say,"

"This is why it didnt work," August says.

"Okay," Wendy sighs. "Thats all the time we have for today but any last words? ,"

"I have something else to say," Stori says.

"Oh Lord, " I say,  I turn towards her.

"August, Im pregnant by you,"


The ride home was intense. I felt tension in the car. Mostly coming from me.

"Are you mad?," He asks me.

"No," I say nonchalantly.

"Yes you are,"

"Then why ask?," I shake my head scroll through my phone and come across Vincent's contact name.

"If it helps I never had sex with her since I been with you,"

"Then how did she get pregnant?,"

"Well another guy not me just saying put-,"

"Seriously come on," I shake my head. "This is what Im talking about,"

"Come on dont start,"

"Im just saying, you got another girl pregnant and your making jokes like really," He pulls into the driveway.

"Wait hold up, Im sorry. I just tried to lighten the mood," He look at him. "Im just as mad as you are. I didnt have sex with her. I promise you. But if somehow the baby shows up as mine. Im going to take care of him or her,"

"I dont have a problem with that-,"

"Nah listen. Amd if the baby doesnt then Im still going to take care of it. Like its mine's,"

"Okay, I get it.  But the problem is that you had sex with Stori,"

"Melanie I didn't have sex with her I promise you,"

"We'll see," I get out of the car and walk in the my house.

"Melanie dont play come here," He says grabbing my hand.

"No August, Im tired and I wanna go lay down,"

"Come on lets go out tonight," He pulls me closer to him. "Just me and you,"

"Maybe, I'll think about it," I kiss him goodbye.

"Alright let me know, Love you,"

"Love you too," I walk away and upstairs. I open the door and set my purse down.

Vincent: can I come through?

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