Impressions XXVI

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August POV

I sit there looking at Melanie.  In pain, I get up and suggest we got to the doctor.

"No August Im fine," She gets up. I grab her hand and help her. "August Im not that big yet," I laugh.

"I still wanna help you," She smiles and then stumbles in pain.

"August, gimme some pineapple please,"


"Just do it!," She yells at me. I dont want to argue so I just become a pussy and get her some damn pineapple. She takes it and closes her eyes in satisfaction. "August do you think its growing pains?," hell no.

"Yeah," She nods and just lays there.

"Ding Dong," I look at the clock, 10pm. I open the door and Stori is standing there. I look back at Melanie and she has her eyes closed laying down. I look back at Stori.

"Suprise," She doesnt know that I got married.


"I got your note," She runs her hands over my chest. "I want us to be a family again. Just me you and Noah," She says stepping closer to me.

"No Stori you left us-,"

"No actually business trip. Baby, now mommy is back," She kissing my neck, seductively.

"Stori, stop man," I back away.

"August who is it?," Melanie asks.

"Nobody baby,"

"Oh you got married," Stori says playing woth my ring.

"Yes damn,"

"Wasnt by me so who?," He hand trails down my pants.


"Melanie? Who the fuck?!,"

"Ayy calm down damn, no need for yelling,"

"No August we are still together, your cheating on me!,"

"Really? no, we had something just for Noah to come. He came we done. End of it," I close the door in her face.

"Who was at the door?," Melanie says walking downstairs. 

"Melanie you werent supposed to move around, "

"Im all better now baby,"

"Alright dont complain to me when-,"

"Okay Okay," I wrap my arms around him. "I wont, lets watch a movie," we sit down and watch the movie. August brings his hand to my belly, and I feel a little kick.

"Did you feel that?," August asks.

"No August I didnt, im not holding the baby," I say sarcastically.  He looks at me like -.-. "Im just playing," I laugh.

"Hey," August stops.

"We have to think of baby names," He gets up and grabs a notepad and pen.

"Now? August, I barely a month pregnant,"

"So," He makes a chart. "For a boy,"

"No August we are having a girl,"

"Nah Noah needs a brother,"

"A sister,"

"Whatever, I know its a boy," So we skipped the movie and was thinking of names. For a girl, India Mikayla Alsina. And for a boy, Jordan Kameron Alsina.

"I really hope its a girl,"

"Nah, the name I picked is bomb for a boy,"

"We'll see," I lay down on him.

**1 month later**

"Beep Beep!," I have a skype invite. From August, I smile.

"Hey," August smiles.

"Hey babe," He says. "I miss you," Its only been 1 month and he has another month to go before he comes home.

"I miss you too,"

"Wheres Noah?," he asks me.

"Taking a nap, Stori didnt come to get him since you left, " He shakes his head. I pick up Noah out of his crib.

"Hey man!," Noah looks at the screen and then realizes how it is. Noah is trying to talk, just screams and squeals. "Hey man, you miss me?," Noah jumps and laughs.

"Aww," Noah brings his hand to the screen.

"I'll be home soon," I hold Noah in my arms.


"Yeah, hopefully. I miss my babies," I smile. Noah squeals and smiles. We chuckles. August and I talk for hours about the baby, his album signing, us.

"What are you doing still up? you need your rest babe,"

"Im fine, just really missing you," I pout.

"I miss you too," He pouts. I look at the time 2am.

"Babe its 2 in the morning," I say.

"I know, your eyes are red," I yawn. "I'll let you get some rest babe,"

"Okay, I'll call you,"

"Alright I love you," He starts breaking up.

"I l-," He starts stopping and he closes out. Okay then, I turn off the computer.

"RING RING!," I answer the house phone.

"Hello? ,"

"I love you," I smile. "It started breaking up and I wanted you to sleep tight," I blush.

"Thank you, I love you too,"

"I'll talk to you later, "

"Alright bye,"

"Bye," I hang up and do sleep tight.


"Okay Noah," I say buckling him up. Checking twice. "Come on, time to take you too your grandmother, " Noah sucks on his fingers. I close the door and stop, feeling India kick. Im assuming its a girl. "Whoa India," I say rubbing my belly. I get in the car and drive to his grandma.  After that I head to the grocery store.

August: hey baby

I smile and respond, I grab the chips and put it in the cart.

"Excuse me," Somebody taps my shoulder. I turn around and see Nick. Yass Nick Young .

"Hey," He smiles. His features, his smile. Just him ♡. Wait hold up.

"Hey," I smile.

"How you been?," He asks.

"Fine you?,"

"Im good," He smiles at me.

"Um y-" He looks at my belly.

"Yeah, " I smile, and think of August. 

"Thats cool, I got tickets to my game tomorrow night. Maybe you and your friend or somebody can come?,"

"Out here?,"

"Nah, in Phoenix. But I would love it if you could come,"

"Yeah, that will be fun," He smiles.

"I'll text you,"

"Okay," He smiles at me, making me melt.

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