Impressions VII

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"No Kaysen dont throw it," He laughs and tosses it again. "You something else," I pick him up and take him downstairs.

"Melanie go answer the door for me," My mom says, I sigh and put Kaysen down. I open the door and August again.

"Can we talk?," I roll my eyes. "Melanie please," I look around and my mom is smiling.

"Fine let me go through on some clothes,"


"Hey," He says.

"Hi," I stuff my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. We walk along the sidewalk.

"I just want tk start off by saying I am sorry,"


"And I know what I did was wrong. I didnt have to call you those names but I did and I am so sorry. I was just angry, and frustrated. I was really hoping to become a father, "

"And I was really hoping to become a mother, but I didn't ask for the baby die. I was just as angry and frustrated as you were, but I didnt take it out on you,"

"I know you didnt and that's why Im here right now. Im tired of sleeping alone. Im tired of worrying about if your okay. Im tired of being away from you," He stops and stands in front of me. "Melanie I know what I did was wrong and I suck at apologies," I laugh to myself. "But I am so deeply truly sorry, "

"August if you think Im just going to forgive you after you accused me of killing the baby, your wrong. After you repeatedly called me a murderer and saying I killed the baby. It hurts," I start tearing up. "It hurts me playing with my nephew, because I wanted a child and-," I couldnt finish my sentence. I wipe my tears, August wraps his arms around me.

"I wanted a child too," I hear the tears in his voice.

"August it wasnt my fault and you-,"

"I know what I did, im sorry," I cry into him. I draw back and wipe my tears.

"Im sorry," I look at the tears on his shirt. I giggle.

"Its fine," he wipes a tear off of my cheek.

"We are going to make it through this," He grabs my hand. "I promise," He grabs my ring finger.

"Even though I wanna slap the shit our of you for saying that. Im not because I love you, and I don't fully forgive you yet,"

"What else do I have to do to show you Mel like-,"

"Sing to me," I smile. he clears his throat. "Not like this," I say.

***2 days later***

Why am I so gullible?  Why do I give in so easily. Why? Is it because I love him. Why? Am I easy? I should've known. A long time ago. He fucked up again. Im not surprised. And with another bitch. I sit there waiting for August.

"Hey babe," He smirks and admires the lingerie on me.


"All for me?," He asks, I nod. "Thank you," He kisses me. I pull him down on top of me. I toss us over during the kiss and sit on him.

"I found something earlier while I was cleaning," I grab something our of the nightstand drawer. Another phone. 

"Aint that yours?,"

"Dont fuck with me august," I say nonchalantly. 


"Why the fuck you got another phone?,"

"That's my business phone,"

"Dont fucking play with me," I say.

"Baby Im not lets please not ruin this moment,"

"No August are you cheating! Why the-,"He cuts me off by unlocking the phone.

"Hm," I scroll through the messages. Tour dates. Business. Concerts.

"Oh baby Im so sorry," He curls his lips at me.

"I told you Im not done with that shut your my one and only,"

"Yes I know, Im sorry. I -,"


"August,  I am so sorry for accusing you,"

"It alright, I kind of deserve getting yelled at s-,"

"Lets not talk about that," Before I start tearing up again.

"Now back to this, " He takes off the sheer robe on me. I smile and kiss him and slow ride him to get it going.

"August," I moan as he kisses my spot. I pull down his sweats and boxers. I smirk at him and pull the covers over my head.


"Right there!," I moan. "Oh August!," Arch my back and push his down further.  Once I came he cleaned up his mess and came back up to kiss me. He slowly slides in, kissing on my neck. He starts thrusting into me, ramming me. 

"Ring ring!,"

"Ignore it," August said into my ear. I obey and ride him. I only onto his chest for support as I picked up the pace. "Damn Melanie, " He groans.Once we finish we lay next to each other trying to catch other breathes. "I love you," August tells me.

"I love you too," I run my fingers through his hair. Once I hewr light snores I know he is out.


"No I dont want to go swimming, " August frowns.

"Come on," He drags me to the steps. "What the point of you putting on this sexy bikini if you aren't going to use it?,"

"I am, I am being cute,"


"No August,"

"Melanie not even for me," he pulls me closer to him.

"August dont do that,"

"She doesnt love me, she just wanted me for the sex," I laugh. 

"No dont even go there, " He picks me up and carries me to the deep end.

"Aug-," he tosses me in. I come up for air and look for his crazy ass. he is laughing walking towards me. I splash him and he splashes me back. We start splashing each other back, playing around. "August!," I laugh as he tickles me. "You are so crazy!," Hs laughs.

"Im so glad you in my life Melanie. I wouldnt change this for nothing," I smile. He pulls uo my bikini top. "Nip slip," I laugh.

"Sorry," I fix myself. "I am hapoy to be with you too baby," I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I am too," He kisses me.

"You taste like chlorine," He laughs.

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