Impressions XXXX

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"Will you marry me?," He says, everybody awes.

"yes, " I nod and smile. He slides the ring around my finger and he presses his lips against mine.

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


August POV

"Have the house to ourselves," I say to Jhene.

"We do," she smiles and pulls me to her.


"Ignore it," She says against my lips. I obey and continue to kiss her. That person calls again.

"Ugh," I pick uo the phone.  "Hello?,"

"August, Melanie is getting married," I try to hide my anger, embarrassment, shockment.

"Okay, I moved on," Inside I wanna cry, she cant get married. No, she cant do this. No, how could she do this to me. "I'll call you later," I hang up and continue and try not to think anything of it. During sex, Jhene notices my undivided attention to her. She gets off and puts on her clothes. I dont even go after her, I wasnt feeling it. Her. I was thinking of Melanie. I want to cry,  thats how you know its real. My love for Melanie is real.

Melanie's POV

I drive to my moms house to pick up India.  Brielle next to me as me and my bitch by YG plays in the background. 

"I honestly think you should marry him," I smile. "I mean its not like you and August had no background, no tracks ever. Like yall dont have a child together or was once married. That doesnt matter, yeah we can brush that under the rug," She says sarcastically. 

"Look, August moved on so, I moved on,"

"Melanie seriously come on we all know that August still loves you deeply. he probably is beating himself up for not stepping up,"

"Or all over Jhene"

"Okay enough about Jhene, she is irrelevant right now. He loves you and we all know you love him,"

"I did love him, but we grown apart," Brielle shakes her head.

"When Nick cheats on you, dont come running to me or August. We trying to tell you," I stop the car.

"He isnt going to cheat okay. He loves me and I love him," she just shakes her head.

"Alright," she turns up the music and I continue to drive to my moms. Nick loves me right? Or was he doing it for publicity.  Nah, I pull into the driveway and get out.

"India!," I yell as I walk into the house. She screams and starts saying something. "Hey baby!," I pick her up from my mom.  "You miss mommy?," she grabs my fave and laughs. "I missed you too," I say in my baby voice. "Hey mom," I kiss her cheek and carry India.

"Hey mom," Brielle says to her.

"Hey babies, where yall coming from?,"

"Nowhere," She looks at my ring.

"Oh my goodness! Lord has answered my prayers. August asked to marry you again," Brielle bust out laughing.

"Think again moms," Brielle says messing with her nails.

"Nick did mom," Her whole attitude changes.

"Oh, congrats baby,"

A/N This series is almost over. Last book right here guys. Im so sorry :(

"Thanks momma," She isnt happy for me. "Come on Bri, we'll be back momma,"

"Alright," Brielle grabs India's diaper bag. "Bye yall,"

"See you later, say bye bye to granny," India opens and closes her hand. I laugh and put her carseat in the car. I strap her in, double checking.

Nick: im bout to leave to practice

-okay, see you later

"Alright lets go,"


August POV

I need to talk to Melanie now. Melanie getting married she might as well take my heart and step on it at her wedding. This hurts me. And the rain is the icing on the cake.

Melanies POV

I sit there with India in the pouring rain. Its freezing, the other day it was sunny and all. I get up and turn on the heater and grab us some blankets. Nick is away at his game, and we are just here. This is whats it like to be a basketball finacee.  This is going to be hard. I sip on my hot chocolate and India drinks her warm milk. We watch Lilo and stitch, and she loves this movie.

"Mama!," She yells.

"Yes baby?,"

"Abb tito," she says pointing at the TV.

"Mhmm say Lilo," She tries and tries. "Good job," She hand fives me and drinks her milk. I sit there and start thinking. Is August hurt by this at all? Does he care? Does he care about me? Do I mean anything to him? I sometimes think about calling him and talking to him. Just do it, we havent talked in forever. "Lets call Daddy," I call him and India pays me no mind. The phone rings for a while and then he answers.


"Hi," A smile appears across my face. 

"How are you?,"

"Im good how about you?,"

"Fine I guess," I sigh. "August Im sorry for just leaving you with India like that I-,"

"No, dont be. Thats my daughter too,  it was nothing," I smile. "I just want to know why you left,"

"I told you to find out who I am as a person,"

"And then you got married?,"

"August-," Now I know how he feels.

"Melanie do you know that hurts me," I close my mouth. "I never moved on from you Melanie. The truth is when I changed, I changed becauseb of Jhene.  Not because of you but when you noticed. I figured it was for you, I wanted you back in my life. I dont even remember why we broke up. Because we let childish people interlude in our relationship. That was a stupid ass reason to be honest. And I know this isn't you at all.  You chnaged so much I dont want to be around you. But my heart wants to be around you. Our love for each other is too strong to just let go We have a chemistry that nobody else has, we are here with each other Melanie. You mean so much to me, words cant explain. My love for you is too strong too bold. But when you got engaged, I couldnt believe it. I was pissed angry, disappointed. Because I know this isnt you, you dont love him. And I dont love Jhene.  We are just occupying our vagina and dick but our hearts are as one," I giggle at his last words. "Melanie I love you. No Im not saying this because your getting married. i've been wanting to get this off of my chest for a while now," Wow. "Now if you want a real man to get down on one knee and propose to you all you had to do was get with the real one," I stand up. "Melanie, this may seem alot of crap on you plate but I would like to be the one again to wake uo to your flawless face, " I giggle. "I want to the one to make you breakfast in bed, the one to cry with on watching Frozen," I bust out laughing. "The one to say that your my wife. Mine, I want to call you mine again Melanie," Im tearing up right now. "I love you Melanie, at this very moment," I hear Kci and JoJo playing somewhere.

"August," He chuckles and I walk outside and his car is blasting This very moment by Kci and JoJo. I blush and toss on some shoes, I look back at India, still watching TV. I walk down the steps and over to him. He picks me up as I hug him. He spins me around and I laugh.

"I love you Melanie,"

Does this mean that they are back together?  If so does that mean that the book is coming to an end?

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