Impressions XXIII

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"August look," Noah is smiling. I snap a picture and August runs in to see.  "Never that serious babe," He laughs and takes a picture.

"This is my baby we are talking about here, my first," He smiles. I honestly think he doesnt want this baby that I am about to have.

"Yeah," I get up and walk downstairs.

Harmony: wyd today?

- nothing why?

Harmony: Momma wants to take us out for brunch

-what time?

Harmony: she said around 11:30


I look at the time, 10:30.

"Baby!," August yells from upstairs.

"Yes August?!,"

"Come here real quick," I grab my muffin and walk upstairs.


"Which looks better?," He says looking at the ties.

"This one, " He looks at his ties.

"This one, " I pick up the dark blue tie. "Occasion?,"

"Cousins wedding,"

"Oh thats nice, when is it?,"

"Tonight," He says.

"By yourself?,"

"No, I have a date," Bitch wheeeet? 

"Who? ,"

"Hannah, they gave me her as a date. I couldnt chose," He says fiddling with the tie.

"Hmm, well I need to get ready,"

"Where are you going?,"

"Vincent is taking me out for -,"

"What?," He gets furious. 

"Im just playing," I laugh. 

"Then where you going?," he questions. 

"Brunch with my sister and mom,"

"Mhmm okay," I brush it off and get dressed. For some reason, I woke up irritated.

"Im out," I kiss August goodbye.

"Mhmm, gimme another one," I smile and kiss him longer this time.  Quick tongue session.

"Bye bye Noah," I smile and go to my momma's.


"Table for 3," My mom says.

"Mom you look nice," I say smiling.

"Thanks baby,"

"Kiss up," Harmony says, I laughm

"Gosh Im starving," I rub my belly.

"Who isnt," We sit down.

"Drinks? ,"

"Swee tea," I say hella quick.

"Strawberry lemonade, " they both say.

"Okay, I'll be right back," the waitress says. I grab the menu and scan through it.

"The salad sounds good, oh bacon cheeseburger," I smile. "But this look appetizing," I smile.

"Damn!," Harmony laughs.

"Hey, watch yo mouth," She says in a stern voice. We look at each other then giggle.

"Okay here you are, reqdy to order?," They order small things, nah Im eating for two.

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