New experiences...

Start from the beginning

            “Hey, it’s not your fault that I’m a bit camera shy. I just got a little freaked out, it’s fine. Let’s just get to the hotel and pretend like that whole thing never happened.” I suggested. He nodded his head and I laid mine down in his lap, and my legs in Zayn’s.

            “You comfortable?” Zayn asked awkwardly.

            “Very.” I said while winking at him. He and Niall laughed in response when we pulled into the crowded parking lot. We got out of the car and ran into the lobby, me tripping over my luggage a bit. I laughed it off and followed the boys into the elevator. The doors opened to reveal a small hallway, with maybe 3 or so doors lining it. Niall pulled out a room key and opened the door. I pulled my suitcase to a complete penthouse. By the looks of it, it had four rooms and a huge living area plus a gigantic kitchen.

            “Holy… mother of… wow!” I muttered as my eyes trailed over everything, taking in the appearance of the suite.

            “You like?” someone asked while picking me up from behind. I screamed and the person finally put me down, and I turned around and smacked Louis in the chest.

            “Lou! You know I hate being picked up!”

            “Yeah, that’s why I do it so much!” he laughed while pulling me into a hug.

            “Where’s everyone else?” I asked, while looking around the room.

            “Trying to sort out living arrangements.” I nodded my head and walked into the nearest room, to find Lauren and Alexa arguing over who gets the closet. This room was much like the Master Bedroom in the beach house, but much more modern.

            “Guys, how long will we be at this hotel?” I asked.

            “Rehearsals are tomorrow, and then they will have a concert on Friday, and we move to the next city on Saturday, so probably two days.” Lauren explained, calculating the math in her head. I nodded and flopped down on the bed. After an hour, we finally sorted everything out.

            “I’m going to take a shower,” I said while grabbing some clothes out of my suitcase.

            “You have fun.” Alexa waved me off, intently flipping through channels on the TV.

            “I will.” I replied and walked into the shower, closing the door behind me. I pulled my clothes off and put them in a laundry bin, and stepped into the fancy British shower.

            I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my soaking wet body. I stepped out of the shower and put on my underwear and bra. I was in the process of blow drying my hair when someone knocked on the bathroom door. I pulled on my green Soffe shorts and walked outside, my hair finally dried.

            “Hey, what’s up?” I asked when I saw Lauren sitting on the bed with a phone to her ear, a look of surprise covering her face. She looked at me and put the phone on speaker.

            “Could you repeat that please, Simon? Elise just came into the room.” She said into the phone. HOLY FUDGE MY BEST FRIEND WAS TALKING TO SIMON COWELL!

            “Sure thing. Early Friday morning, you girls are wanted for an interview on a very popular talk show. Are you guys up for it, or is it too early in the process?” Simon’s deep voice blasted from the phone.

            “Sure! Sounds like fun!” Alexa and I said at the same time. Simon hung up the phone and us girls had a few minutes of pure fan girling.

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