Chapter 61

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Two Months Later.

Sarah's P.O.V.
  The past two months have been fantastic. Jason and I have had sex everywhere it feels like. We've done it in every room of the house, garage, pool house, and even at the tattoo shop. It's like we are a newly married couple. Jason and I are seriously falling more in love everyday. We haven't thought of Victoria and his dad or any other problems. It's mostly been sex and helping Kelsey and Brandon.
  Kelsey's wedding is in two weeks from today, December 3rd, we have a lot going on. It's a mad house between mine and Kelsey. We've been planning so much lately it's crazy. Kelsey and Brandon even squeezed in fall pictures for the wedding which turned out absolutely beautiful. They are such a cute couple.
  Kelsey's pregnancy is moving along gracefully. The baby is healthy and has not shown any signs that it shouldn't be. I'm throwing Kelsey a baby shower mid February so she still has time to finish the nursery before the baby comes in March.
  This is also the first year Jason and I will be spending Christmas together which we have decided to stay at my dads for. Kelsey and Brandon will also becoming along for Christmas. They are having a mini honeymoon in the city since Kelsey will be pregnant.
  I am currently on the way to the venue Kelsey and Brandon picked for the reception to make sure all of the decorations have been order and shipped there. They picked a hotel banquet room that is absolutely gorgeous. All the groomsmen and brides maids get suits on the top floor so we don't have to rush all around. The church they will be getting married in is just down the street so they will be able to ride a carriage down the street back to the reception. They want a lot done for the wedding but this was Kelsey's dream.
  Everything has to be perfect to make Kelsey's day special. She is going to have her parents there but has requested that my dad walks her down the aisle. They settled that my dad takes my arm and her real dad takes the other. Kelsey was always closer with my family rather than her own really.
I pull up to the hotel and walk to the front desk. The manager ushers me to follow her through the hotel to the reception room. It's down a long hallway with a garden off to the side. If it wasn't winter it would probably be gorgeous out there.
"I'm sure we have received everything you have order for the wedding and in three days we will begin covering the tables and chairs then set up the decorations." The manager says opening the door to the room. The big chandler hangs above the dance floor. Round tables circle the dance floor as the main table where the newly weds with sit along with the bridesmaids and groomsmen.
It's absolutely gorgeous in here and they haven't even begun to set anything up.
"Looks great. I like the placement of the tables. Where are the orders?" I ask. The manager walks over to a side room to reveal all the boxes. I open a few to make sure it's the right stuff. The night before the wedding the flower will get sent to the hotel so as long as they turn out right everything should go smoothly.
"Everything look fantastic. Thank you." I say. We head out of the banquet room and back out to the main lobby. I wish a farewell and head to Sam's Club to buy Hershey kisses in bulk. For the next two weeks me and Kelsey in our free time will be making 1,000 mini bags of candies and a little note in each one. This a complementary gift from the bride and groom.
I run inside Sam's and buy 5 bag of 100 Hershey kisses and 1,500 mini mess bags. Sometimes they can come torn or messed up so it's good to have extra. I pay and head back out to my car and load everything up. I start driving back to my house when I get a phone call from Jason.
"Hey baby." I say. Since I have a new fancy cat there is a Bluetooth system in it.
"Hey. How's the errands going?" He asks.
"They are great. How are you?" I ask making sure to focus on driving too.
"I'm good. I just wanted to make sure everything is going good and there isn't any complications." He says.
"Okay. I'll be home in 20." I say turning on to the highway.
"Okay see you soon. Drive safe. I love you." He says.
"Love you too babe." I say and he hangs up. I focus on getting home as the sun is slowly setting. I went to work all day so it's late in the evening.
Business at the tattoo shop is going great. I've actually been practicing piercings and tattoos on a special material. Jason says I don't have to become either but I can have fun practicing and if I pick up a skill or two it could help me. The practicing has been going great honestly. I've been piercing noses and belly buttons here and there.
I also got a new tattoo on the side of my ring finger. It's Jason handwriting saying, "I love you". It looks so cute and I can't help but smile every time I look at it. I gave Jason a small tattoo actually. He thought I had been good enough and wanted me to test real skin to I gave him a small heart on the side of his pinky. It looks so girly on him but I love it.
  I continue my way home from Joliet. It's not to far from mine and Jason's house, which is nice since all the good shops are in Joliet. I get home around 7 o'clock and it's almost dark out as the winter creeps up on us. I open the door and grab the bags from Sam's and head into the house. The warm air from the house feels so good against my cheeks after being in the cold.
  Jason is sitting in the living room with the fire going. I set the bags down on the dining room table and take my jacket and shoes off to join him. His back is to me but he's holding a glass of burban. My stomach twists a little.
  I slowly walks towards him stopping just behind him. I stare at the fire till he breaks the silence around us. He takes a sip of the drink and sets it on the mantle along with the many pictures of him and I. He does this every so often but it scares me because I don't know how many he's had or if this is the first with more to follow. He hasn't snapped on me which is good but him drink makes me special.
  "Victoria called." He says with a husky voice my stomach drops and I fall to the floor.

Happy Clift hanger.
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