Chapter 17

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Jason's P.O.V.
I arrived at Sarah's apartment. I walked up the stairs and to her door. I knocked twice. Sarah opened the door.
She was in a maroon cocktail dress. It had long sleeves with a low cut V neck. I could feel myself get hard. Got the affects this woman has in me.
"You look stunning babe." I say. The way her eyes sparkle when I call her that is amazing. I love that I can affect her as much as she's affected me.
"Thank you. You look good too." She says with a smile. She moves out of the door way so I could walk in. She closes the door.
"Kelsey is just finishing. I'm gonna go get my stuff." She says spinning around her black heels clicking against the tile floor. I stand and wait for them to come out. They walk out together whispering and laughing. I can't help but smile as I hear her laughter.
"Happy Birthday Kelsey. I hope your okay with me coming." I say. She was wearing a grey dress with diamonds all along the collar. She looked good but nothing like Sarah.
"Thank you. And I don't mind at all. By the looks of it you'll be around for a long time might as well get used to it." She says with a smile.
"Yeah I'm not going anywhere." I say wrapping my arm around Sarah's waist. She shivers at my touch causing me to chuckle. Kelsey rolls her eyes and smiles happily.
"Come on I don't wanna be late for our dinner reservations." Sarah says. Kelsey is the first out the door. Sarah is about to be the next but I grab her hand and stop her.
"That dress is awfully tempting. With its low V neck and shortness." I purr into her ear. Her dress stops mid thigh. I bite her ear lob softly and teasingly. I walk away. She closes the door and tries to keep up with me.
I get to the car and slide in. Kelsey is in the front seat with Jeff driving. Sarah gets in. I slide to the center so we are next to each other. I turn my body so I'm facing her a little. I rest my hand on bare thigh. She gets red and looks out the window. I make small circles trailing up her leg.
She's gets frustrated and bites her lip. Get all the way up her leg. She's opened them a little wanting me to feel her. I slide my finger along her panties. I smile and slide back over. Her panties were soaked. I chuckle. She looks over at me with frustration. She playfully slaps me in the arm. Kelsey turns around.
"So where are we going?" She says.
"It's a surprise." Sarah says with excitement.
"Ugh I hate surprises. But it must me good if we are dressed like this." She says.
"It's definitely is." Sarah says. My phone vibrates. I pull it out to check it. It's from Brandon.
"Hey man. Can you get a pic of Kelsey? I'm dying to see what she looks like" he sent.
"Are we in high school? But yeah man I got you." I say. I've told him a little bit about her. He seems so excited to go on a date he hasn't dated in a long time. I just hope he doesn't use her because that would hurt both Kelsey and Sarah.
"Thanks man I owe you a beer" he says. I turn my phone off and look over at Sarah. Her hair is in soft curls like our first date. I can't help but tuck her hair behind her ear she turns towards me. Her eyes sparkle with love and lust.
If I could only take her and show her how she needs to be loved. I glide my knuckles against her cheek softly. She tilts her head towards my hand. She kisses my hand. I smile. Her lips are soft and plumb. If I could only taste them right now.
"We're here." Jeff informs. We get out and walk inside. We go to a lobby with elevators leading up to the restaurant.
"Oh my god! You go reservations here. You know I've wanted to come here ever since we moved to the city. I fantasize about this place all the time." Kelsey says with joy. She pulls Sarah into a big hug.
"I knew you would like it!" She says.
"Thank you so much. Love ya." Kelsey says.
"Your welcome and love ya too girl." Sarah says. She walks to a receptionist to tell them we have dinner reservations for tonight. They hit the button for an elevator. It comes down seconds later. We all pile in with other people. Sarah stands next to me. I wrap my arm around her waist.
She leans against me. We stand like that for a second The she looks up at me. I kiss her softly. I pull away so things don't get extreme. Sarah understands and we stand and wait.
"My ears are popping." Kelsey giggles. I've been up here many times so I'm no stranger to the feeling.
"Same." Sarah smiles. I smile too. There friendship can never be broke. We step off the elevator and wait to be seated.

Mr. Tattoo (EDITING SLOWLY) [COMPLETED] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now