Chapter 24

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Jason's P.O.V.
We sit at the table, a table for six. We sit across from each other. The food smells amazing. Even though I've made the dish many times it always seems to be better.
She takes the first bite of her taco. It's a soft shell filled with the fish, cheese , and cilantro. She throws her head back and moans. I inhale sharply and clench my jaw.
"Sarah can you please no do that." I say sharply. She looks at me.
"Oh sorry." She says and hangs her head low. She takes another bite fighting the urge to do it. We care on eating silently.
"Sarah?" I ask.
"Yes." She says.
"Do you wanna meet my parents? They are having a brunch Sunday." I say. I would love for my family to meet her.
"Yeah sure that'll be great. Will Olivia be there?" She asks.
"Of course." I say.
"Yay because I haven't seen her in a while and I miss her." She says. I'm glad her and my sister have become friends.
"Well I'm glad to hear." I say. We finish dinner. I clean up the plates.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back." She says. I'm washing dishes and I feel someone staring at me. I turn around. Sarah looks like she's seen a ghost.
"Are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask.
"I don't know how to say this... but Um yeah I got my period." She says quietly.
"Do you need Jeff to drive you to your house to get stuff." I say. If her and are gonna share places I should start having things to her need.
"Um yeah that would be amazing." She says with relief.
"Okay I'll call Jeff. Is there anything I can do?" I ask.
"Not that I can think of." She says. I nod my head and call Jeff. He says he'll be on his way.
"Hey Sarah since we'll be going back and forth between each other's houses, do you want to leave some stuff here?" I ask.
"Yeah sure I'll bring some extra stuff to leave here." She says. She stand awkwardly waiting for Jeff. She's still in my clothes. I love when she wears them.

Sarah's P.O.V.
Jason is so sweet. Other boyfriends would be bitchy about this but he acts like it's normal like it should be. I'm glad he's okay and not freaking out. I feel so squishy. Ugh I hope this make shift toilet paper pad will hold up.
Jeff arrives shortly after. Thank god. I walk out with him to the car. He opens the door for me. The car ride is quite for a while.
"How are things with Jason?" He asks.
"Pretty good. It shook me up but I think I'm okay now." I say.
"That's good. He's a good man but his past can bite him in the ass once in a while." He says. I'm glad to have a friend like Jeff he's so nice. We pull up to my apartment.
I go in alone. The house is silent which creeps me out a little. I find a big bag to put all my crap in. I pack clothes, extra soap, feminine products, under garments, and food. I pack junk food and chocolate. I also pack one of the heating pads. Before I leave I put on a pad.
I come outside and Jeff places my bag In the back. We drive back to Jason's. While getting out of the car I sneezed and it was like Niagara Falls in pants. I'm sigh in frustration.
Jeff hands me my bag. I tell him goodnight and thank you before heading up to Jason's. I get inside and am immediately greeted by Jason.
"There's extra room in my closet the you can keep your stuff." He says.
"Okay thanks." I say and follow him to his room. His closest smells like him but stronger.
"You can use this space here and under the sink in the bathroom." He says.
"Thanks." I say.
"When you done I'll be in the living room." He says.
"Okay I shouldn't be to long." I say and he leaves. I unpack all my clothes into the drawer he's given me. I take my toiletries to that bathroom. I still have all the food in my bag. I carry it downstairs.
"Do you mind if I use kitchen space too?" I ask when I get to the living room. He's scrolling through Netflix.
"Not at all what's mine is yours." He says. I go to the kitchen and find room in a cabinet. I empty everything onto the shelf.
I walk back to the living room and curl up next to Jason. It feels good to feel his warmth and to smell his intoxicating scent. I pull the blanket around my body.
"Do you wanna watch a movie down here or in my room?" He asks. I yawn.
"Your room please." I say. He carries me to his room since I'm so tired.
"Do you need anything?" He asks.
"Can you get my heating pad out of my drawer and find my phone it's dead." I say.
"Okay your highness." He laughs. He gets my phone and plugs it in along with the heating pad. I lay the heating pad against my lower abdomen. I sigh in content.
"What movie do you wanna watch?" He asks. He hits the power button on the TV remote. The TV flips out from behind a picture frame.
"Ferries Bullers Day Off. it's my favorite." I say. He turns it on. We cuddle and watch the movie. I end up falling asleep half way through.

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