Chapter 48

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Jason's P.O.V.
It's Friday afternoon. Sarah and I are closing up the shop laughing about some guy that wanted to put Pussy Wizard above his junk. Zack said he'd do it next week.
"That's gonna be awkward when he gets older and he's in a nursing home." Sarah laughs on our way over to my car. We packed our bags this morning so we could leave for her dads right away.
"I never thought about that. I've done so many weird tattoos." I say as I get into the car. Sarah told me the way to go today during our lunch break.
"Ew that must be gross." She scrunched up her nose.
"Nah. It's funny." I say. I start the car and head across the city to the highway.
"Your weird." She says. Sarah and I are doing great we haven't had any awkward moments which is great. I feel like we are finally getting back to normal.
  "So what's the first thing we are going to do?" I ask her. Traffic is moving at a decent pace as we creep closer to the highway.
  "Well you have to meet my dad obviously then I guess we can go out to dinner or something." I say.
"Sounds good." I say. We have small talk bout the different things we pass and Sarah tells me stories about her childhood. It's nice to hear about my babies life she means everything to me. When I hear her talk about all her happy memories I can't help but smile as she tells them. Sarah really is the woman of my dreams. I hope one day she can bring my kids into the world.
"Jason. Are you even listening to me?" She says with a sarcastic grumpy smile.
"Yeah sorry I was lost in my thoughts. You are saying..." I trail off.
"I was talking about the first weekend in the city how me and Kelsey found ourselves at a party and got wasted. It was so funny because we weren't invited to the party technically. Everyone was kinda hanging around us because they thought we were fun. But in reality we were drunk." She blabbers on. Hearing her getting wasted in the city scares me. The city is full of creeps and smugglers. More I think about i was one of them.
"Sounds fun." I say.
"It was. One time I got high and came stumbling through the door. I thought my dad was gonna kill me." She says laughing.
"Your a wild child." I laugh with her.
"You get one life might as well have some fun." She says looking at me out of the corner of her eye. I smile as I pay attention to the road a head. We only have a few miles in the high way till we get off. I'm actually nervous to meet Sarah's Dad. I don't know what to expect if he'll like me or hate me. He might think I'm a bad influence on Sarah since he never wanted her to get tattoos. My palms start to sweat as we continue our way to Sarah's house.
  I can see Sarah giving me worried looks. I must look like I'm nervous or something. I drive and try not to think about it too much. I wonder is Sarah is nervous about what her dad will think of me. Has she told him about me?
  The minutes are passing by quickly and before I know it I'm pulling on to her street. The house on the street seem small to what I've been around in my life but they are cute. This seems more like Sarah rather than the city. Tall oak and pine trees are scattered across lawns. Sarah points to a two story White House. It has a large drive way with a detached garage. There's two massive pine trees and a tall maple tree in the front yard. A white Silverado pickup truck claims one of the spots on the driveway. The front door is painted red which makes it stand out against the white siding.
  "What do you think?" She asks opening the door. The smell of fresh cut grass overwhelms the car. I open my door too.
  "Well it beautiful that's for sure." I say closing the door after Sarah does. 
  "Thanks. Ready to meet my pops?" She asks walking to my side of the car.
  "Not really." I chuckle. She takes my hand and guides me to the back yard. There's a garden and a shed that matches the color and trim of the house. There's another pine tree and oak tree back here. It's great to see so many trees after being stuck in the city. My moms garden is nice but this is real and unplanned like hers.
Sarah walks up to the back door and rings the doorbell. We wait and she gives me a soft smile like she's telling me it's okay. The lock on the door clicks and it opens. A tall man stands before me.
"Hi Dad." She says releasing my hand and giving him a big hug. I can't help but smile at how happy she is. He pulls away and gives Sarah a small kiss on the forehead. Her dad has a small beard and mustache and he has a little belly that fits him well. Sarah shares his eyes I can tell.
  "James Christifore." Her Dad says extending his hand out.
  "Jason Rivera." I say shaking his hand firmly. He gives one nod in approval.
  "Well lets not stand here all day." Her Dad jokes and moves out of the way so we can go inside. Her house smells like laundry soap and fresh pie. This is what home should be like a cozy place in the south suburb of the city. Her kitchen it's anything fancy nor is the rest of the house. It's casual and fits perfectly for Sarah. This is how I've dreamed of living. I wish I didn't grow up in a rich family.
  We all take our seats in the living room. Sarah and I on the longer couch and James on the single chair facing the TV perfectly. The TV is on some racing channel but it's on mute.
  "So Jason tell me about yourself." James says. I see Sarah shoot him an annoying glance but he seems to ignore it.
  "Well sir, I grew up in a rich family. My dad has the largest company in the country. I have my own tattoo shop and work there for a living. I also have a great passion for cars, classic and modern." I say. I think to myself and say, also I have a crazy ex-girlfriend that ruined me and is out to ruin mine and Sarah's relationship. But I just give him a soft smile and hope I won him over. I sound like a girl that just asked her crush out. I just want to make sure I'm good for James and that he's okay with me being with Sarah.
  "And how do you feel about Sarah? Do you treat her good?" He asks sitting on the edge of the chair studying me. I glance over at Sarah. She's content with the situation.
"Sarah is everything I ever wanted, sir. She's smart, beautiful, and funny. I couldn't picture a more perfect girl than her. I treat her the best any man can. I don't push her to do anything she doesn't want. Everything is absolutely perfect." I say with a soft smile. I can feel Sarah smiling at me.
"Sarah is all this true?" James asks giving his attention to her. She lifts her head and looks at him.
"Yes dad. I wouldn't be with him still if he wasn't good. I love him dad." She flashes a bright smile and her eyes sparkle.
"Then I'm absolutely okay with you two." He says with a smile. Sarah's smile somehow gets bigger and I can't help but smile too.
"Well are y'all hungry?" James asks.
"Starving is more like it." Sarah laughs. She gets up from the couch and I follow her movement. Sarah wraps her arm around my waist and smiles at me, I can't help it but smile back at her.
  "Where do you wanna go?" James asks. Sarah breaks our stare and looks at her dad.
  "Williamson's?" She questions. Her dad nods in approval as we head back out side. We all decided to just take her dads pickup and pile in.

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Mr. Tattoo (EDITING SLOWLY) [COMPLETED] Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें