Chapter 13

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Jason's P.O.V.
We all sat around Sarah's little kitchen table. She was to the left of me and Kelsey was across. I made lasagna one of my favorite dishes in the whole world. Kelsey and Sarah seemed to like it very much.
We had small talk all throughout the meal. When we were finished Kelsey went to watch tv while me a Sarah cleaned up the kitchen.
"Your a really good cook." Sarah says.
"Thank you. I picked up the skills from my grandmother. She lived with me as I grew up." I say. I learned so much from her.
"I never really knew how to cook. I know some basics but nothing fancy." She say.
"I'll teach you. Are you free Friday." I say with a smirk.
"Yes." She says with a soft smile.
"Perfect I'll be here around 4pm. Will that work?" I ask.
"Absolutely." She says walking towards me filling the space in between us. She puts her hand behind my neck and pulls me into a kiss I grab her waist. We kiss passionately till be get interrupted.
"There's other people in the house you know." Kelsey yells from the couch. We just laugh. Sarah grabs me by the hand pulling me into her bedroom. She leaves the door halfway open and we lay on the bed.
We most cuddle besides for the few kisses we exchange. It started to get late and I could tell Sarah was getting sleepy.
"Babe I'm gonna go it's getting late." I say. She groans is disapproval as I unwrap my arms from her.
"Don't go." She says tiredly. Her words hit me. I don't wanna go either.
"Okay I guess I'll stay but I gotta leave early for work." I say.
"Okay." I crawl back into bed and cuddle her again.
"Goodnight baby." She says.
"Night Babe." I say back. Small quite snores come from her. It's so peaceful to watch her sleep. I fall asleep in the arms of my love.
Around 3am I wake up from a thrashing and screaming Sarah.
"No. Don't hurt him." She screams. I shake her awake. I don't want her to wake up Kelsey. She stirs awake finally. She's sweating and panting.
"Hey shhhh. It's okay. Everything is alright." I say pulling her into my arms. She starts sobbing. I run her back slowly.
"She was trying to kill you." She sobs even harder.
"Who?" I ask.
"Victoria and her people. They were coming after you with guns." She says. Anger rushes through me. Now the fucking slut is giving my girlfriend nightmares after one time they were near each other.
"It's okay. I'm fine nothing will happen to me. And nothing will happen to you. We are safe." I say comforting her. I'm gonna start having a watch man outside her apartment building.
"I know but it felt so real. I thought they were gonna kill you." Her voice cracks.
"Shh. It's okay." I say. It kills me to see her in pain like this. I hold her until she stops crying. I don't want to leave her side.
"Jason." Her soft voice says.
"Yeah baby?" I say.
"I wanna get a restraining order against Victoria." She says. Her words shock me.
"Whatever will make you feel safe. I'll get the paper work later." I tell her.
"Okay good. Thank you." She says.
"No problem babe. Anything for you." I say. She pulls away from my and looks at me. Her eyes look like glass from crying. She places a hand on my cheek. I lean into it. She kisses me. It's not full of lust but full of love.
"I'm tired." She say pulling away from our kiss. She yawns.
"Okay. I'll drive you to work in the morning." I say not wanting her to walk there after her nightmare.
"Okay. Night baby." She says laying back down. I wrap her in my arms so she feels safe. I wait till I can hear her soft snores. When I know she's asleep I fall asleep.

Sarah's P.O.V.
I wake up when a day of sun hits me in the face. I roll over and don't feel the warmth of Jason. Panic slowly goes through me. He said he would be here.
"Jason?" I call out. The bedroom door opens revealing him.
"Good Morning babe." He says with a small smile. I calm down as soon as I hear his sweet words roll of his tongue.
"Morning baby." I say. I get out of bed and walk over to him. He kisses me softly.
"Thank you." I say.
"I'm here for you always you know that." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I gotta get ready for work. Don't wanna be late on my first day back." I say.
"Okay. I'll go make you some breakfast." He says and walks out. I take a shower and do my typical routine. I put on dark jeans and a black t-shirt. I put on my tennis shoes and head to the kitchen.
Pancakes and bacon wait for my at the table. Mmm smells so good. I sit down and start to eat. Jason sets a glass of orange juice down.
"I'm gonna drop you off at work. Then I'm gonna head to the police station to file a restraining order. Around noon I'll come check on you. When your done with work I'll have Jeff come pick you up." He explains today's plan to me.
"Okay sounds good. Thank you." I say. I'm so thankful to have him in my life. I feel bad though I've been neglecting Kelsey lately.
"Also I'll be back around 8 o'clock." He adds.
"Why?" I ask.
"In case you have another nightmare I wanna be there for you. I can't even think of leaving you alone at night while you have a nightmare. It hurts me to see you scared and in pain." He says. His words are perfect. I couldn't ask for a better man in my life.
"Thank you." I say. I finish breakfast and we head out. He drops me off waiting for me to get inside. The day goes by slowly knowing he'll be here around lunchtime. He shows up orders a coffee asks me how I'm doing. He stays for an hour sitting and watching me move around the shop.
He leaves and the day continues to drag along. Finally Jeff shows up meaning my work day is over. I walk out and he opens the door for me. The car ride home is quick and peaceful. Jeff walks me up to my room to make sure I get in.
"Thank you Jeff." I say when we get to my door.
"The pleasure is mine. You have a goodnight." He says.
"You too." I say and I open the door he walks off once I'm inside. I wait for Kelsey to get home so I can catch her up on the latest. I tell her everything that she's missed out on.
"Sarah you have all the fun." She says with jealousy.
"I'm sorry." I say. I feel bad for her. I have this crazy new life while she has nothing. Our conversations is cute short when my phone starts ringing. Caller ID: Jason. A smile crosses my face.
"Hello." I say walking into my room.
"Hey babe." He says.
"How was your busy day?" I ask.
"Very good. I got all my errands finished and even got three tattoo appointments in." He says.
"Wow that's good." I say. He's such a busy man how does he find time to go anything?
"How was yours?" He asks.
"It's was very slow but okay overall." I say.
"Well I'll be coming a little later than I thought." He says. Sadness washes over me.
"Oh is everything okay?" I ask.
"Yeah just some family stuff I need to take care of." He says.
"Oh okay." I say.
"I'm sorry but don't wait up on me to long. I'll try and get there as soon as possible." He says.
"Okay." I say. We sit on the phone in silence for a little bit. Then an idea pops in my head.
"Do you have happen to have a single friend?" I ask.
"I might. Why?" He says puzzled by my question.
"Kelsey feels left out. I'm having all the fun and she isn't. So I want her to have fun." I say.
"Ah I see. I do indeed have a single friend. His name is Brandon." He says.
"Okay awesome how about we aim for them to go on a date Friday night." I say.
"Yeah that'll be great. I'll tell him a few details. How about 7 o'clock?" He asks.
"Yeah that'll be perfect." I say.
"Alright sounds good." He says.
"Are we still on for Friday then?" I ask.
"Of course my love. Do you wanna come to my place instead?" He asks. I think about it for a minute. Aunt Flo is taking a visit this weekend. Screw it I don't want her to run my life.
"Yeah sure that'd be great." I say. I love his house. Even though I'm not fond of heights I love the city view. Everything is so modern and classy.
"Alright perfect." He say.
"Always when the plans involve you." I say.
"Same goes for you babe." He says. I can tell he has a smile on his face.
"Okay well I gotta go. I'll see you later." He says.
"Okay bye baby." I say.
"Bye babe." He says and hangs up. I walk out into the living room. Kelsey is watching some mystery T.V. show.
"Hey you got any plans for Friday?" I ask sitting next to her.
"No why?" She asks curious.
"Well I got you a date." I say with a smile.
"What who?" She asks her eyes big.
"Jason's friend Brandon. I feel bad that your not having fun so as the good friend I am I got you a date." I say proud of my success.
"Oh my god. Thank you so much Sarah." She says hugging me.
"No problem." I say. We watch a little bit of T.V. before I decide to go to bed. I roll out of my clothes and put on Jason sweatshirt and climb into bed. I drift off into a light sleep.

Mr. Tattoo (EDITING SLOWLY) [COMPLETED] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now