Chapter 58

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Sarah's P.O.V.
I wake up stiff, no wait against someone stiff. I panic and scoot away from them. I look and see Jason. Wasn't he on the couch last night? Didn't we fight?
  "Jason?" I ask waking him up. He yawns and rubs his eyes.
  "Morning darling." He says.
  "Wait. I'm confused. Didn't we fight? Also, why are you in here?" I ask so confused.
  "I thought it over and it was my fault like you said. If I would have stayed this wouldn't have happened I'm taking responsibility for your actions. Also you don't remember having a nightmare? I came up here because you were screaming. I thought someone was hurting you." He says.
"Okay about the first part. Secondly I got so used to have nightmares I guess I kinda forgot. I was always like that I guess." I say shrugging.
"Are you okay?" He asks. Scooting closer.
"Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks though." I say.
"Of course." He says pushing back a piece of hair. I drop my head because I feel guilty even though Jason is taking blame.
"Let's get some food." Jason says pulling my hand to get off the bed.i follow him downstairs and into the kitchen. I sit at the breakfast bar and watch him work around the kitchen. I don't know what there is in the house or where anything is so I let him cook.
  "So about work.." I trail off. He's in the middle of cooking bacon.
  "Tomorrow we'll head over there around 8:30 for 9:00 opening. I've been handling the shop for the past two weeks. We don't work weekends. Three other workers. Amy works on tattoos with Zack from Chicago. Eric is a fill in for tattoos and piercings. You work the desk and I do tattoos." He says as he continues to work around the kitchen.
  "That's great. Since there's more workers we won't be so busy right?" I ask.
  "That's right. I'm really happy about it. Also I put the house and building in your name. Is that okay?" He asks.
  "Yeah that's fine. You Dad can't touch what's mine. Hopefully." I say.
  "Also I put you on my bank account." Jason says.
"You didn't-" Jason cuts me off.
"Hey. You can spoil yourself. I have more than I need." Jason says.
  "Okay... coffee?" I ask changing the subject. 
  "Yeah sure." He says and hands me a cup of coffee.
  "Thanks." I say. Jason finishes breakfast as I sip my cup of coffee. I look out the gig windows in the kitchen. Frost coats the grass indicating fall is near and the hot summer days are over. The summer that was supposed to be spent with Jason.
  "Breakfast is ready." Jason says placing a plate of hot food in front of me. He takes me mug and refills it with coffee. He comes back with his plate of food and sits next to me. Halfway through the meal I speak up.
  "Any plans for today?" I ask.
  "No. We can do anything you'd like." He says.
  "I wanna go swimming." I say as I pick up a spoon full of scrambled eggs.
  "Okay. Want me to invite Kelsey and Brandon?" He asks.
  "Yeah sure." I say. We finish breakfast and I race up stairs to get ready. My clothes are carelessly thrown across the closet. I didn't ever really up pack or anything yesterday. I put all my clothes away and organize everything to how I want it. The closet is so big my clothes only fill half of my space. Jason's is filled to a decent amount with suits and casual wear.
I like living here honestly but it will take time to get used to. A big house and lots of space was never presented to me growing up. Jason and I go through tough times but in the end we love each other. I hope we can stay happy and have our children grow up in this home.
   I pick out a bathing suit and quickly change. I slip on some clothes over it and head back downstairs. I go to the living where I found the broken picture frame. Everything has been tidy up and fix. The frame isn't here anymore, I left it on the coffee table but Jason must have moved it.
  I sit on the couch and flip through the channels waiting for Kelsey and Brandon to get here. I'm not sure where Jason is. I don't hear him in the kitchen and I haven't seen him go upstairs. He's probably in his office or garage. I get bored of the TV so I go wandering around looking for him. He isn't in the house so I cheaply the garage.
Jason is in his makeshift gym lifting weights in front of a mirror. He does it so effortlessly. God he's sexy. His muscles are more defined since I last saw him. Having your own gym at home really pays off I guess. Jason spots me in the mirror and sets down the weights he lifting.
  "Kelsey and Brandon should be here in about 20 minutes." He says wiping the seat off his forehead.
"Okay sounds good. I didn't know where you went so I came looking for you." I say looking around the garage.
"Welcome to the man cave." Jason says holding out his arms like her was showing triumph.
"You and my dad would so get along with these cars." I say.
"Well I'm glad I'll have connections with your dad." He says. I roll my eyes and wander around the garage. There's about 8 cars totally in here. Tool boxes and a lift take over one area and they small gym takes up the back corner.
"Sarah I want to show you something." Jason says coming up behind me. He grabs my hand and drags me towards the car with a cover over it. Jason pulls back the cover to reveal a red Chevrolet Equinox.
"Jason you didn't have to do that." I squeal hitting him.
"I want you to have your freedom and without Jeff you'll need a ride sometimes." He says. I've never owned a car I've always used a parents or family members so it's kinda nice to think I'll have this.
"Still you didn't have to go through all the trouble. It isn't fair. I never buy you anything and your always spending big bucks on me." I whine while I go look at the car.
"I like spoiling my baby. Do you like it though?" He asks.
  "Yes I love it. Thank you." I say. He walks closer and I give him a small soft kiss.
  "You welcome." He purrs into the crook of my neck.

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