Chapter Eight: Happy Place, William

Start from the beginning

"Mom, Dad, I'm sorry," Grell interrupted, "but William has to help Ronnie with his English essay in an hour." 

"I would love to any other time," I apologized, "but I made a promise." I was silently thanking Grell for her little white lie. 

"That's alright," Grell's mom assured, "we understand." Grell walked me to the door. 

"You might need this," she said, handing me my bag.

"Thanks!' I said, "see you at school, and you look amazing." She blushed and mumbled a thank you before shutting the door. 

Lucky for me, I only lived a block away from Grell. I trudged the block home, trying not to think about Grell. I hope she hadn't hurt herself. It would be really bad if she sprained a wrist because of me. I sighed as I crossed my lawn. Finally home.

"Hey mom," I said tiredly as I walked in, "I'm back." My mom smiled warmly as she replied to my greeting. 

"Come on, honey," she told me, "time for dinner." I sighed, wishing that my mother would quit calling me that. 

Dinner was short, it only lasted for about half an hour. We had ordered pepperoni pizza for dinner, and it wasn't that great. I helped my mother wash the dishes before grabbing a can of cat food. I rushed hastily up the stairs to greet my kitty. 

"Hey Artemis," I called. Hopefully my cat would come out of hiding. When I wasn't home she usually dragged her little stuffed mouse underneath my bed and hid there. "Where is my pretty kitty?" I asked. "Come on Artemis!" I encouraged, "I even got the tuna flavored!" 

At the word 'tuna' my cat lunged out from underneath the bed. I smiled and praised my cat as I pet her. She purred as she leaned into the head rub. I laughed and opened the can. Artemis pounced on the cat food and wolfed it down in a minute. "Well someone's hungry," I teased. Artemis ignored me and began to wash her paws meticulously. 

I jumped on my bed and sighed while thinking to myself. The day after tomorrow is homecoming. I know for a fact that I'm not going to the dance; however, I am going to the game. I'll probably just sit with Grell and Sebastian. 


"Come on Will!" I turned to see Ronnie waving his drumsticks in the air. He was in Grell's car. Beside him sat Remi; she's Eric's date, after all. "If you don't hurry we'll all be late for the game!" I sighed and rushed to hop in Grell's convertible. I took shotgun; the seat closest to Grell. 

"Let's go," I told Grell. She obliged and hit the gas. It was Friday, the day of Homecoming. Ronnie had dressed in a black wife beater, black cargo pants, black army boots, and had painted a death scythe tattoo on his right bicep. Remi must have designed that outfit for him. I looked at Remi's entourage. She was decked out in all green and black. A green bandana was tied around blonde-brown hair. Remi wore a sleeveless black tank top, green cargo pants, and black army boots that matched her brother's.

I got a good look at Grell. She was wearing a black summer dress that stopped at the knee. A green short sleeve sweater was placed over top of the dress. She wore knee-high black riding boots and had tied a red ribbon around her neck. It didn't quite match; though it sent a message. 'I may be with my school, but I'm my own person. Nobody owns me!' 

Beside my friends, I appeared slightly nerdy. I had worn black khakis and a green long sleeved sweater. My attire resembled more of the person who got swirlies, than the person who hung out a bonfires and snuck into his friend's houses. "What do you think?" I looked up to see who had spoken. I had been so lost in my thoughts that I had completely forgotten about everyone else. Grell looked irritated that I hadn't answered.

"Think about what?" I asked. Everyone else stifled a laugh at my expense. 

"I asked what you thought about staying for the dance," Grell paraphrased. I looked quizzically at my friend. "One of the sophomore girls really has a crush on you."

"Who?" I asked. I had no idea that anyone would have a crush on me. 

"I think that she's Ashton's cousin," Grell stumbled. Ronnie and I both were stunned. Someone even remotely related to the Landers who would like me, even as a person, was a miracle. 

"I'm not sure that's the best idea," I told her bluntly. 

"She's really nice!" Grell protested. 

"Even if I took her to the dance," I complained, "I have nothing to wear." I must have said something. Grell, Ronnie, and Remi all shared knowing glances. "W-what'd I say?" I asked fearfully. Knowing my friends, they had a sneaky plan up their sleeve. 

"Let us handle that," Ronnie ordered. Grell had pulled into the school parking lot, which was packed. Being the thrifty person she was, Grell had set up a 'handicap' sign in her usual parking spot. I rolled my eyes. Leave it to Grell; only she would do that. 

Grell parked expertly and Ronnie hopped out to remove the temporary sign. Remi and Grell reapplied their red lipstick and hopped out. I reluctantly joined them. "So guy's" I began, "where's Alan and Eric?" 

"They're meeting us on the bleachers," Ronnie answered, "as will Sebastian." 

"Here you are," Remi said, handing me a Walmart bag full of clothes, "this has a set of clothes for the dance. Do not forget!" I winced and muttered a yes ma'am. 

I followed my friends through the gate and onto the football field. There was still fifteen minutes before the game started. We waltzed across the field toward the bleachers. A couple of football players whistled at us as we passed. Of course Ronnie turned around. "Thanks boys," he said mockingly in his falsetto, "I know, I look hot!"

"I'm not gay!" One of the jocks from South High yelled angrily. He made a move to hit Ronnie. Ronnie smirked and laughed at him.

"Truth hurts, bro," Ronnie said snidely. This time the jock really took a swing at him. I jumped forward but Eric had appeared out of nowhere and stopped the jock's fist. 

"Save it for the game," Eric growled. The jock growled back, but still walked back to his team. "Come on," Eric said, "Alan and that Sebastian are over this way." He pointed to the bleachers. At the bottom of the bleachers stood Alan. He had his clarinet in his right hand and Ronnie's drum at his feet. Pep band was playing, after all. Talking to Alan was a tall, lanky boy with his back turned to us. He had long black hair that flowed to the nape of his neck. Alan pointed in Grell's direction and the boy turned. He had the reddest eyes I've ever seen. His entire face lit up when he saw Grell. 

"Sebastian!" Grell squealed as she ran to the boy. She dove into his arms and Sebastian twirled her around. He set her down and pecked her on the nose. Grell blushed as red as her hair. I had a suspicion that I wouldn't like this 'Sebastian'. 

"Happy place, Will," I muttered, "happy place." 


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