T.A. Prodigies chapter 35

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Ch.35) Summertime Sadness

"2 DAYS BEFORE SUMMER!" Yelled Dustin and Harper. Joshua, Kylie, and Blake facepalmed. "There's actually one more day" said Georgia. They laughed and sing and it was graduating time. "Hehe Honor Roll" smiled Harper. "High Honor Roll" said Kylie, Joshua, And Blake. Dustin cried "at least you're in the honor roll". They all laughed. "I have an announcement my T.A. Student Blake Matthews is leaving to England to be mentored by 5 top Violinists. Please Congratulate him" said Mr. Finn. Silence came to the graduation. It was silence then too. "What?.." Said Joshua. "You're leaving?" Said Harper. Blake didn't say anything. After graduation, Harper was so sad she couldn't say anything. But Georgia and the fanclub can. "Blake and Joshua will always be our two princes for ever and always". Joshua then walked up to Blake "We'll be buddies forever and-" he whispered "I'll protect Harper for your absence". Kylie gave him a jacket "it say Blarke meaning you and Harper and I have a picture of her for you" she hands a very cute picture of Harper and her. "Buy me some food" yelled Dustin. Harper then looked Blake in the eye "I have nothing to say" and she left outside. So at night it was time for Blake to head to England. He and William was about to leave and saying goodbye to all their friends and family. He then walked towards the airports cafe. There was only Harper. She was crying. Alone. Blake then hugged her "you know I'm leaving right and we only kissed 4 times". Harper punches him. "CMON not even one? I'm about to leave" said Blake. Harper blushes "NO". Blake then grabs her and kisses her this time she kisses back. "Did I ever tell you that I love you and always?" Said Blake. Harper blushes again. Then they went back and Blake left. Before that Kylie gave him a letter "read this in the plane I'll deal with it". In the plane with William it says " Harper's things to do in the summer: go camping with Kylie, to the zoo with Joshua & Dustin, go to the beach with Blake and tell him I..lo.." Said the letter. Blake smiled "that idiot". Harper cried "YOU'RE MY MORON NEVER FORGET THAT" as she sees Blake in the private jet. "I do love you too.." Said Harper in her head. Kylie then hugged her. She smiled "it's alright..it's like he's here with me". Harper then went home and to her room where she changed into her pjs. She fell asleep with Fillow thinking how they first met and how Blake saw her underpants. "You're right I am a idiot, Blake" cried happily Harper.

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