T.A. Prodigies Chapter 10

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Ch. 10) Friendship Will Always Last

"Harper you look completely different wow" said Sarah as she blushes to see Joshua. "Hehehe oh right I have to introduce you to Sarah and Denali. Sarah, Denali this is Kylie my best friend here, Dustin he's awesome, Joshua he's very gentle and sweet yet in gym.... And this is Blake...HE A PEVERT MORON! " said Harper. "Ands she let me see her underwear" smiled coldly Blake. "..ah..." Blank page on Harper. "Why you little...." Said Harper to Blake. "So you haven't changed that much" laughed Denali. "Wait I wanna hear some news about the village" said Harper. "Oh Jack was being a jerk so we're threw, the riders are still here, I got a cute costume and remember the 3 boys that liked you well they still do" Said Sarah. "Alright lets go eat ice cream" Harper said as she holds Kylie's and Denali's hand. "Wait up Baka, we're not going, Joshua and I" said Blake. "Whatever lets go eat!". While they were eating ice cream "so when are you guys staying here" asked Kylie. "Oh not so long we're going back at 5" said Denali. Harper dropped her ice cream. "Hey what's wrong?" Said Dustin. Harper smiled with tears "leaving so early....we have to make this t the fun of it then!" . So they went to animal shelter, the museum, watched a movie, Dustin had to leave, so they all went back to Harper's house. There Denali and Sarah said their goodbyes. "Oh yes tell my parents I'll see once again!" Yelled Harper as the car left. Harper was in tears again. "Alright lets say this, want me to sleepover tonight?"Asked Kylie. "YES YES" shouted Harper. "Hey Kylie tell me about yourself" said cheerful Harper.

"You're such a naive girl but my last name is Kylie Handson, my birthday is May 3, I have 3 mothers in total, my father is a very rich man but not a father. " said Kylie. While she was talking Harper cried then fell asleep. "You're such a naive" smiles Kylie.

T.A. ProdigiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora