T. A. Prodigies Chapter 14

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Ch.14) The Test

It's been a whole month since the incident in the haunted house happen. Now it's time for the test. "Class you have 3 tests next week and 3 tests in May but that's only for school subjects. I've been teaching you the basics of Math, English, and Social Studies. This whole week will be study week you'll have 15 minutes to study and 45 minutes of teaching and today instead of English, you'll be studying in the library. " Harper smiled Evilish in her mind she said "yes I'm going to dominate all these tests since I'm pretty smart". Dustin looks worried. "Oh you ok Dustin?" Asked Harper whispering. Dustin smiled "I'm alright". "Now I'll assign you study partners by passing these flyers" said the teacher. "No..no..nonnoonnononono I HAVE BLAKE?" Said Harper as her bow fell off. The girls who like Blake had a vicious 'i'm going to kill her' face. "I have Garret" said Dustin. "Ok STUDY STARTS NOW!" Yelled the teacher. "DUSTIN SAVE ME!" Yelled Harper carrying her books and being dragged by Blake. Dustin tried to study but he can't. It's finally time to go home "Hmp Blake was mean when I got one question wrong" T_T Harper said. "Well the whole time when I was studying, Georgia kept blabbing about her and Blake. It was really annoying" -_- said Kylie. "I didn't get to study at all i was with Garret" said Dustin silently. "Really ? Garret ouch" said Kylie. "Who's Garret?" Asked Harper "the most annoying kid he gets the lowest grades of this whole grade" said Kylie. Harper stopped "well you know what? I'm pretty smart so after school I'll help you study I'll train you to get at least an 85" . "Really I usually get 70's and sometimes below are you sure?" Asked Dustin. "Kylie and I will help you!" . So they help Dustin study for Math because Math starts first. *spray* "what was that for?" Asked Dustin wiping off the water. "Whenever you get questions wrong twice in a row, I'll spray you" said Kylie "and whenever you get 5 questions right in a row you get a cookie!" Smiled Harper. The next day the test was here. Dustin thinks he dominated it. "YEA" shouted Dustin happily.

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