T.A. Prodigies chapter 16

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Ch. 16) Test Results & Car Crashes

Dustin shouted "I GOT 85 AND UP!" "Congrats" said Kylie with relief because no more exams. "Whew I made it with all 100! How did you guys do?" Asked Harper looking at Joshua and Blake. "Oh Harper I didn't see you I got a 94 in total" said Joshua. "...101" said Blake with a smile devilish. "Wh.....WHAT? HOW" said Harper being confused. "Let me see it Moron!" Harper trying to grab the result. "Idiot I won't let you see anything" straight face Blake (like usual). Georgia standing there being so jealous she can't even look anywhere else. "That girl thinks she's all that! She's just a little boy crazy brat taking our Blake and Joshua" said one of the girls in the fanclub. "Oh I have a plan" said Georgia with a devious look on her face. At dismissal, Harper went out alone waiting Uncle Lucas. Harper then notice a sign that said free brownies. She fainted then the fanclub took her in the janitors room. "Hey where's Harper" asked Kylie. "I don't i didn't even see her" said Joshua. Georgia hugging Joshua "never mind her lets go wait over there". "LET ME OUT!" Yelled Harper she then picked a lock and escaped. "Let her go Georgia" said Blake serious. Georgia's heart stopped. "What do you mean?" Asked Georgia nervously. "You're acting strange when someone mentions Harper now let her go" said Blake. Harper then shouts "HEY OVER HERE!" Running towards Georgia "someone locked me in the Janitors strange huh but I'm out" Harper still running. Georgia furious about her plan she couldn't do anything but last minute thinking she pushes Harper to be the spotlight. A car coming up and it looks like Uncle Lucas. Harper falls off the sidewalk and in the road. "HARPER!" Yelled Kylie, Dustin, and Joshua. BOOM! And car hits...BLAKE! Right before the accident, Harper is falling then suddenly Blake jumps out and hugs her trying to protect her. Uncle Lucas getting out the car, "HARPER ARE YOU OK?" Harper kneeling and crying "MORON MORON....BLAKE? Stay with me!". Blake with his cold hazel eyes "next time have your balance idiot but you're ok right?" Said the roughly injured Blake. "This is all my fault you moron you should've let me go-" Shouted Harper "shutup and answer me you ok?" Asked Blake. Harper holding his hand "I'm fine" still crying. Uncle Lucas brings Blake inside the Blake car. Harper, Dustin, Joshua, and Kylie follow and jumps in the car too.

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