T.A. Prodigies Chapter 28

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Ch. 28) Awkward

"I can't stop thinking what happened on New Years. Why did he...why did Blake kiss me? I can just remember that again. Wait do I lik-" the alarm clock rings. Harper finally wakes up and falls off her bed. "Why tears?" Said Harper as she's rubbing her eyes. She got up and did her morning routine. Sebastian knocks on her door "miss today is a Saturday". Harper all ready for school "w-what?" She then changed into her normal clothes (green long sleeve shirt and pair of jeans). Harper going downstairs eating breakfast with Fillow. "Did you forget? Today is the New Year Confirmation where all successful families must attend with their staffs" said maid 2. Harper spits out with cereal "CRAP I FORGOT ABOUT THAT". Helga gasps "HOW COULD YOU MAIDS BRING HER TO HER ROOM TO GET READY I'LL TAKE CARE OF FILLOW" said Helga in her all navy blue pants suit. The maids put on her makeup, did her hair, dressed her, perfume her, then made her wear high heels. "Are you sure this is ok?" Said Harper wearing a light blue long-sleeve dress and white coat, her golden brown hair in tons of braids and a blue small bow. The maids then did their makeup and redo their uniforms. Victoria and Uncle Lucas all ready to go. Victoria being uncle Lucas's spouse wearing a one strap bold red dress and her flowy hair curled with sparkles all over her hair "let's go Harper we don't want to be late". They finally arrived at this huge place full of rich people. Harper and Vic amazed at how big it is. 'PET ROOM YOUNG ROOM STAFF ROOM AND BUSINESS ENCOUNTERS" said the signs. "I guess I have to go to the young room" said Harper. She waked in to see all of her classmates and other kids. Her assigned seat is next to Blake. "Why Blake?" Said Harper clenching her fist. Then suddenly Blake went in and all the girls cheered. Harper looks at Blake, blushes then looks away. Blake notices. He comes to his assigned seat (next to Harper's). He puts his arms around Harper "Miss me, Sweetheart". Harper's heart pounds. "NOOOOO" said Harper punching him. Then some of his fangirls start gossiping. Harper in anger did nothing. "KYLIE DUSTIN JOSHUA" cheered Harper but they couldn't hear her. "It's just like a date the two of us" said Blake. Harper blushing then she got so mad she started crying. Blake didn't mean cross the line he tried to touch her shoulder then she screamed a little. "Crap, I made Harper uncomfortable" said Blake in his mind. He tried to cheer her up or make her feel a bit more comfortable. Georgia walks up to hug Blake then he kisses her in the cheeks. Georgia gasp and Harper jumped off her chair. "AHH HA SO IT WASNT JUST ME IT WAS EVERYBODY SO YOU HARASS GIRLS" yelled Harper she felt better which made Blake a bit happier.

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