T.A. Prodigies Chapter 30

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Ch. 30) Casts & Adventures

In Harper's dream, Blake and her are married and have children and do cute couple stuff "AHHH I DONT WANNA MARRY THAT PERVERT" yelled Harper. She remember to get up dress nicely and straight up go to the hospital. She took her last minute clothes (pink yoga pants and a camouflage shirt and sneakers. Her hair in a ponytail because she didn't brush her hair and a pink bow) "I'm still cute" said Harper. One of her butlers went immediately to the hospital. "Excuse me but why was I at home and not with Joshua?" The butler look in the car mirror "My Princess, you were a fighter, madam.You were crying and trying to be with Joshua while he was unconscious the doctors only allow one friend and Sir Joshua's family" said the butler "who was the frien-" asked Harper "Madam we arrived" said the butler. Harper ran to room 108 she's crying again. She opened the door to see Joshua just awake and Blake still asleep. Harper walks in slowly. Joshua whispered "oh my, Harper you came to see me-". Harper suddenly hugged him. He blushes. "At least you're ok" whispered Harper. She wiped the tears away and smiles. Joshua showed her a note "Please don't give Joshua pain. Give it to me ~Blake" Harper read it. She started crying again "I can't believe Blake can be so mean and devilish to deep and thoughtful" she said in her head. Blake then flicks her forehead and grabs her hair "why are you reading my personal stuff?" Harper cries for help then she remember the note she smiles. "You're a good friend" she looks at Joshua's leg "oh a cast. Can I sign it?" Joshua gives her his cast there's already been people who sign it "love mommy and daddy" said Harper out loud. She laughed "HAHA MOMMY AND DADDY". Joshua blushes "ITS NOTHING BAD GEEZ YOU DIMBO". Then she remembers her family plus Sarah and Denali whatever happen to them? Harper started weeping "Harper I'm sorry I called you a DIMBO" said Joshua cause he thought it was his fault "no it's not that I just remembered my family I wonder what they're up to" said Harper then she wiped off her tears and smiles "but I'm thankful to have you guys". Kylie hugs her. Dustin then falls "ouch". "You dummy" slap Kylie. "Would a dummy bring 6 tickets to go to china and relax for 2 full days?" Said Dustin "well 5 Mr. Finn agreed to go with us now are you guys ready?" Everybody stares at Dustin "ARE YOU NUTS? No preparations? Head starts?". "Its in 5 hours I already talked with your family and shipped 6 pairs of clothes there Mr. Finn is waiting for us" said Dustin. Everybody smiled. "For once I'm proud of you" said Kylie. Dustin cheesy smile. They head out and went to Dustin's private jet. "Hehehe We're going to CHINA!" Yelled Harper. Blake smacked her. "Why do I have to sit next to you-_-" said Harper in her head. The plane stop and they went to cultural Chinese places. "Wow! So pretty" said Dustin. Joshua in a wheelchair and is being pushed by Blake. "Even the girls hear like Blake and Joshua" said Kylie as she's being squished by the girls. At 2:00 pm, the guys and the girls went to a hot sauna lake. "So refreshing" said Harper. "Guys the girls are naked hehe" whispered Dustin. Mr. Finn hits him "ow" said Dustin. "Us gentlemen, STAY gentlemen" said Mr. Finn. "Besides I already saw Harper half naked" said Blake. Joshua chokes on a Apple. Since he can't get his cast wet, he sits in a chair and puts up one of his legs (the one with a cast). "Kylie, I love spending this time with you" as Harper hugs her. Kylie kicks Harper "didn't I tell you I hate hugs?" Said Kylie smiling. After 1 and a half hour, they got up. "That was so refreshing, I needed that" said Harper in a towel now. Kylie is already dressed. Harper now is going in the changing room. Now she has a sweatpants and has no shirt on yet just her towel. (In China, they have paper walls as a tradition so it's shared with boys and girls). Harper trying to get her shirt and she slips on her bow. The lights are turned off because she accidentally fell. Harper felt another body and the body turned on the lights back on. It was Blake and he was looking directly at Harper's boobs because the towel fell. He too, is shirtless. "AHHHHHHHH" yelled Harper. Blake smiles "I saw everything now". He grabs her towel "here stupid you're lucky that it was me". Harper stunned and crying "YOU PERVERT!" She blushes. She runs back to her wall and gets dressed. "What does he mean when he said it was him..." Said Harper in her head. She opens the door and sees Kylie opening it and has a baseball bat "WHO TOUCHED YOU?". Harper stunned "no one BUT BLAKE SAW EVERYTHING!! But why did you ask?" Asked Harper. "Because the manager just announced there is a sexual harassment man coming to this floor since he attacked 2 girls already. Dustin walks in "he just been caught!". Dustin and Harper was then dancing and Dustin's pants fell. Kylie and Harper screamed. Blake, Mr. Finn, Dustin, and couple of more guys ran to the room. Blake and Dustin tackled Harper to the groundhan. They both asked "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Kylie then gets the support by Mr. Finn "That stupid idiot Dustin forgot to wear a belt" said Kylie. "IM SORRY" cried Dustin.

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