Chapter 13- The Red Seductress Part II

Start from the beginning

It was nap time at the Rix's household. She held Bronx in her arms as Blake laid his head on her leg and Bishop laid on the other leg. They refused to go to their beds hence the current situation. Jade leaned on the couch for support as she sat on the floor. The boys were sound asleep when their parents entered either from work or a date. They entered the living room and spotted Jade. They all started to laugh with no control.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Jade asked glaring at them. Max then took Bronx, as Evelyn took Bishop and Caesar took Blake. Jade rose stretching her limbs. She reached for the remote and plopped down on the couch. Browsing through the channels when Lauren came to stand in front of the television ready to attack.

"Whatever it is no." Jade said still browsing ignoring Lauren.

"But you didn't even hear what I had to say." Lauren then took a seat next to Jade.

"I didn't have to because I know I won't like it." Jade stopped at The Big Bang Theory.

"Jade listen it's a party."

"I'm gonna stop you right there before you continue. Why do you think most people don't know that James Rix has a daughter? Because she doesn't show up at those things." Jade said concentrating on the show but it was shut off. "Hey what the hell?"

Lauren placed the remote on the table and turned Jade to face her. "Well I think it's about time, don't you?"

"No I very much like the quiet life out of the limelight."

"Jade come on at least go for the fun of it." Lauren nudged her.

"What's so fun? A bunch of snotty princesses and women who think they are too good to speak to me. Why bother?" Jade got up and went to the kitchen for snacks.

"But Jade this is a party for Esteban and the Red Seductress." Jade looked at her funny.

"The Red Seductress?"

"Yeah you." Jade pointed to herself. Lauren nodded smiling. Laughter erupted from Jade as she heard that.

"What's the laughter about?" Tristan entered obviously looking for his wife.

"Jay come on its one party and you're only gonna be there for an hour or so tops." Lauren was begging.

"What party?" Tristan asked.

"Esteban is throwing a party and Jade was invited but she doesn't want to go." Tristan held his pouting wife.

"Well I think it's Jade's decision however I have to agree with it." He winked at Jade and then his wife hit him. "Ow. Why are you hitting me?"

"Because I am your wife you are supposed to be helping me." Lauren said trying to get out of his arms but he wouldn't let go.

"Lauren why do you want me to go so badly?"

"Well to be honest when I told the other models that you were my sister-in-law they didn't believe me. They're already having a tough time accepting the fact that I married a business billionaire now they won't believe he has a sister. I got suspended from my last shoot because I slapped one of the models for mouthing off." Jade was surprised that Lauren stood up for her like that.

Jade sighed surrendering. "Alright I will go however I am only staying for an hour." Jade said as Lauren hugged her like there was no tomorrow saying thank you repeatedly. "When is it?"

"Tomorrow night."

"Alright. Now both of you go get lovey-dovey with each other somewhere else where I can't see you." Lauren left first.

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