Chapter 3-The Family and Nose Jobs.

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Jade woke up to familiar lilac wallpaper and the smell of pancakes. She stretched and just took it all in, the feel of being home. Jade always loved being with her family especially her boys. She always loved playing with the boys. As she thought about them they burst through the doors. Each dressed in different animated jammies. First came Blake who is 6 years old then the twins, Bishop and Bronx who are both 4. These are Jade's boys. To put it simply they're her nephews. Jade has 4 older brothers. 3 of which are married and the other is engaged. Growing up with 4 brothers Jade has always been protected by them.

"Aunt Jay we missed you." Said the eldest showing his missing top tooth.

"Me too. I see you lost a tooth." Jade said while holding all 3 boys in her arms.

"Yep. We were all playing hide and seek and I hid in the tree at the back but fell and lost the tooth," Jade's eyes went wide worried, "but don't worry I got a dollar from the tooth fairy."

Jade giggled a bit at her nephews antics. He is just too precious. Well as long as he is alright it doesn't matter.

"Oh Aunt Jay I made a new friend at school." Came the little voice of Blake, as sociable as ever.

Jade smiled, "really?"

"Uh huh his name is Eli. He is kinda shy but nice." And then there is the more mature Bronx.

"Well that's great maybe next time I drop by the nursery you guys can introduce him to me."

"Yeah that would be cool. Miss Carter asks about you lots."

Miss Carter is the caretaker in charge of the Blake's classroom and she tends to be easily stressed by them so Jade volunteers to help out. Miss Carter must be tired.

"Well I'm gonna pop in next week. How about that?"

"Yay!!" Came all three voices. Jade smiled then the door opened to show her father James Rix. About 6 feet with a full head of gray hair with wrinkle around his eyes from smiling too much. His laugh was all Jade heard as a child. That is how Jade could easily tell where her Dad is. Oh how she missed him.

"Alright boys its grandpa's turn at the lady." He said with his booming voice.

"NO!" Again with the three voices while they clung to her torso.

"What? I have to give my daughter her hug. Now boys your mothers are calling you or do you want me to tell them that you boys sneak candy into your beds at night?"

All three boys turned pale then scattered towards the door.

"Really Dad blackmail. That's unethical and not good to teach children."

"Hey I want to hug my daughter before the four dogs get you." He answered honestly.

"Alright." Jade opened her arms.

He took her into his arms and relished in the feeling of having his daughter home even if it was just for the weekend.

"Uh Dad you're choking me." Jade said faintly.

"Oh right I'm sorry. Its just been forever since I held you like that." Jade smiled softly at her Dad. The last time she was home he was on a business trip and didn't get to see her. After he found out he was depressed for weeks. Her Dad has always been protective over her because she reminds him of her mother who died giving birth to her. He says her likeness is the same as Jade's with her midnight dark hair and small obsidian eyes. Jade took little of her Dad while the her brother's took more of their Dad however they all share a cutthroat attitude when people mess with their loved ones.

"Well I gotta get ready so I will see you downstairs." Jade said with a smile.

"Yeah you should. Your breath smells." Her Dad said joking.

Her Deals.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora