a Black Jack birthday

Start from the beginning

            “Hey, there’s also a Black Jack’s.” Alexa suggested.

            I suddenly got really happy. “Are you freaking serious!?” I squealed. She nodded her head and I declared that we were going there. The boys chuckled and I dragged Lauren and Alexa into our room to get ready. I pulled on a grey tank top with Kermit’s head on it, some dark green Wet Seal short shorts and my sparkly silver Toms. I put on some mascara and scrunched my hair with some mousse. I sprayed myself with some perfume and stepped out of the restroom to find Lauren and Alexa staring at my shirt.

            “What’s wrong with my shirt?” I asked.

            “What, oh nothing! We were just trying to figure out when you got it.” Lauren said and pulled me out of the room.

            “We ready to go?” I asked when all of the guys were downstairs.

            “Mhm.” They all said in unison. I walked out the door and hopped in the backseat, immediately squished between Niall and Liam.

            “I can't believe you let a girl get between us!” Liam pouted, “I thought we had something special!”

            “I still love you Liam.” Zayn said while awkwardly patting his shoulder. After 10 minutes in the car with these idiots, we finally pulled into Black Jack. I pulled Niall into the familiar sports bar. Everything was the same as I remember! The slightly pink floor, tan walls with scattered cartoon pictures of jazz artists, and the 60 inch plasma screen TVs on all four corners of the restaurant. It even smelled like the same BBQ/alcohol smell that I haven’t smelled in just about three years!

            “Well if it isn’t Elise Richards!” A booming deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to the direction the sound came from and a huge grin came on my face.

            “Eric! It’s been forever!” I yelled while dropping Niall’s hand and hugging the owner of the establishment. Eric had owned the Black Jack’s that was down the road from my house. Hugging him made so many memories flow back to me. I pulled out of the hug and stared at the giant teddy bear, deadly on the verge of bawling my eyes out.

            “Who are your friends?” he asked. I introduced everyone to Eric and he promised not to tell any paparazzi that One Direction was in town. After getting seated, Eric and I were making conversation, mostly about the big move to Florida, but then he asked me something that really caught me off guard. “So how’s your dad?”

            This was really a touchy subject for me, and the only people I had really talked to about it were Lauren, Alexa, and Mac. But this was Eric, and he and my dad were really close, so I guess he deserved to know. “Well,” I sighed, “a couple of months after you guys moved down here, my dad got into a terrible car wreck and ended up into the hospital. After a few days of treatment, he had a seizure and died.” I could see the worry in Eric’s eyes when I told him this, “But, hey, that was years ago. Let’s just forget about the past.” I said shakily.

            “Would you like your usual?” He asked, thankfully changing the subject.

            “Yes please!” I said while handing him my menu. After everyone else ordered, Eric walked off to place them in. I could feel Niall’s hand squeeze mine under the table, and I looked up into his gorgeous blue eyes.

            “I’m sorry to hear about your dad.” He whispered into my ear.

            “Let’s please not talk about it. And besides, it’s in the past, and there’s no way to change that now.” I whispered back. We turned and joined the conversation, but he never let go of my hand.

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