"I'll just get Ana's things, Mrs. Lighten, if you'll open your trunk?" Damon says pulling the attention back to him and breaking the awkward silence that had fallen.

"Oh, right! How silly of me," something is definitely wrong, they should have been invited inside by now but haven't. She really doesn't want to leave Ana to this person's care, but she really has no choice. "Mrs. Drescot? If we could go inside so we can finalize the legal aspects of Ana's care? The judge has ordered continued physical therapy and mental therapy to help her with what has happened."

Ana looks at Damon tearfully she doesn't want to be left alone with the Drescot's. Damon gives her a reassuring smile as he brings her things inside. "If you will direct me to her room I'll take these directly there?"

"Of course, it's opposite of mine," Scott says and takes him down the hall. Damon is pleased that it has a nice big window to the side of the house. He'll be able to keep a better eye on her than he thought.

Damon sets down Ana's suitcases. Scott raises his eyebrow at how much Ana has. "Normally the kids just have one sack full of clothes."

"Ana was trapped in a fire, her parents and my father were killed. I was able to get her out, but she lost everything, so I bought her a whole new wardrobe." Damon says not really paying attention to his words.

Scott just stares at him, "You aren't still in high school?"

Damon shakes his head, "No, my parents had me home schooled and I graduated early. When my father died I had to take over his business interests. Really he had no head for business. Mom pestered me to make a move and so I had to leave and relocate here. Mom has even less of a head for business than dad did."

"Hey, listen man, since you're new here and all, I'm having a party on Saturday. Mom is going out of town so there won't be any adults around. Why don't you come?" Scott says smiling.

Damon is infuriated that the woman is leaving Ana alone so soon after gaining her custody. He forces a smile onto his face and accepts, "Sounds good, but what about your father?"

"Oh, dad? He's the local sheriff and he and mom are divorced. He won't bother us any. Since the walls are sound proofed the neighbors won't be calling in to complain about the noise either."

"Are there any good looking girls coming to this party?" Damon knows what is expected of a new boy in town to ask.

Scott laughs, "There's always a few that show up. I'm sure that at least one will gain your attention."

The two laugh and walk out of the room. Ana looks over at Damon scared, but he winks at her and she relaxes a bit.

"Mrs. Drescot, can I borrow Ana just for a minute? Then I'll be out of your hair." Damon could see the lust building in Mrs. Drescot's eyes as she looks him over.

"Sure thing, but there's no hurry for you to leave. You're welcome to come by any time to see Ana or Scott." 

Damon smiles even wider at that. That's what he was hoping for, an open invitation to visit.

Ana gets up quickly and goes to Damon.

They go outside and down the front porch. Damon motions with his arms and a small figure comes running up to them. "Ana, this is Jacob. He will be going to school with you, and will be your body guard while there. Now, listen Ana, I've gotten a blank pass to come over whenever, so make sure you keep your dog with you while you're in that house. I don't trust Scott anymore than you do."

At his words the tension in Ana's body relaxes, she thought he was actually becoming Scott's friend.

Damon smiles down at her, "He's aware of me saving your life and our parents dying in the fire. Just keep it at that okay? He doesn't know what I am and I don't want him to. The longer he thinks he can use me the better for both of us. I wish there was some way I could get you out of that house more, but the best I can do, is you ask to visit Jacob to help with your homework. If at any time you need anything just let me know okay?"

Ana nods and tries hard to not let her tears fall. "He's having a party on Saturday and invited me. So I'll keep an eye out for you okay?" Again Ana nods.

"Damon, why are you doing all this for me?" Ana asks in a broken voice.

"I'll tell you when you're older. Now you better go back inside. Remember keep your dog with you." Damon watches as Ana turns and slowly makes her way back inside. Reluctance heavy with every step.

"Sir, why are you doing this?" Jacob asks nervously. Damon isn't known for his long suffering patience.

"She's mine and no one touches what is mine. That teenage boy is going to try to hurt her and it's our job to keep him from doing so. Your job will be to keep Ana from being bullied at school. The only friend she's ever had almost raped her after her father twisted him up." Damon smiles a very nasty smile.

Jacob gets a scared look on his face, "Sir?"

"That kid will never walk again." Damon had made sure of that personally. That wasn't the only thing Damon had done to him either.

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