Collecting Attitude

Start from the beginning

"I don't know where this attitude is coming from, but I suggest you adjust it a little." Momma said quietly but seriously. "If you want to talk about something, please Luc, feel free, but don't get snappy when we have no clue what's going on inside your head."

I stared at her for a few seconds, watching as concern swept through her eyes. I quickly dismissed it though because I just wasn't in the mood. "Like you care anyway."

"Lucas!" I heard her yell at me while I jumped over the gate and slammed my bedroom door. I waited a few minutes and when I didn't hear any footsteps, I threw myself on the bed.

I was old enough to know I was acting slightly childish. I was old enough to know that I was going through changes as well and didn't want to tell anyone about them. Everything was changing and I had no control over any of it.

I picked up the phone in my bedroom that my parents had agreed I was old enough for, and dialled the number to my favourite person.

"Be still my beating heart, a little hottie is calling me!" Jaiden answered the phone and I grinned, biting my lip. "Hey Luc."

"Hi." I twirled the phone cord in my hand and looked out my window, watching as my mom's vehicle pulled up. "Can you come get me?"

I heard a wash of silence come over the other side of the receiver. "Sure," she sighed a little, "is everything okay?"

"No questions Jai." I breathed a little heavy, trying to control my emotions. She made it easy for me to break down because I knew I was safe with her to do so.

"Okay, well I have to drop Liza off at home but I'll be there in about a half hour, kay? Bring your homework."

After I thanked her, she hung up and I sat against my headboard. I listened to muffled voices coming from downstairs and heard footsteps coming closer.

I was in big trouble and I knew it.

I braced myself when Mom appeared in my bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her. She gave me a look I couldn't really describe but it wasn't one I liked. I had hurt Momma and in turn, hurt her.

"We need to talk." She sat down on my desk and stared at me with her steel blue eyes. "You're not a baby anymore Lucas. You're more mature than any kid in your school so I know you know right from wrong. I know you know that talking back and slamming doors is not acceptable in this house."

"I was just upset." I played with my comforter. "Matthew should know not to touch what isn't his."

"He's three." Mom gasped and stood up, making her way to me. "When you were three, you hid my gold medals and flushed my favourite earrings down the toilet. I didn't flip out. I brushed it off because I knew you were still learning, you didn't know it was wrong."

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

"I'm not the one you have to apologize too. Lauren is really upset, Lucas. What did she do to deserve this?" Mom had a way of comforting me to a point. I never found her to be hard on us and mainly because we never gave her a reason to be. We listened to the house rules and we respected each other.

When did I change all of that?

"She didn't do anything," I answered truthfully, "I'm just in a bad mood."

"You have been moody for the past few days," she placed a hand on my shoulder gently, "is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No." I moved and turned to face her. "I'll go down and apologize."

Mom nodded and kissed me on the forehead. "I don't want to hear about this again Luc, you know better."

"Yeah." I hurried off the bed and quickly entered the kitchen, where Momma just finished folding the laundry. "Hey," I said quietly.

She glanced at me and put down the towel she folded, before her full attention was on me. "Hey," she smiled slightly.

"I'm sorry." I hopped up on the stool. "I just feel very moody lately and Matthew just kind of made it worse today." At least I was being honest.

"How about this," Momma leaned in closer to me, "how about you promise to keep your valuable stuff in your room and I promise to make sure Matthew isn't anywhere near your stuff. Deal?"

I glanced over at Matthew, who was actually paying close attention to us. I nodded silently and hugged her, kissing her on the cheek. "You didn't deserve my freak out. I know you care."

"Ukus, pay!" Matthew waved a truck in the air before running over to me, placing it in my lap. He smiled and his eyes sparkled, obviously not affected by my entrance earlier.

"Go," Momma nodded and patted my leg, "apology accepted."

I wanted to talk to her about everything else that was floating through my head but I figured she couldn't be bothered.

Jaiden would be picking me up and I could tell her everything.

Maybe she'd have some answers.

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