Daddy Who?

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Lauren's PoV

I was late. It was Dylan and Lucas' first Christmas concert that I was about to be missing. I offered to drive Eliza home after my practice already ran late and it didn't occur to me that she lived at least twenty minutes away from the girls' school.

I parked my car and slammed my door shut, barely giving my purse a chance to fly behind me. There were kids with their parents piling into the lobby of the school and I waiting impatiently for the speed to pick up.

Then I saw her.

She had her hair swept back half-way, her brown locks framing her face and a smile brought to her lips as she talked with another woman. Her eyes finally met mine between the crowded mess and she grinned, politely excusing herself from the woman's company.

"Hey," she smiled and kissed me on the cheek, "you look a little flushed, are you okay?"

"I'm late." I stated lamely and pouted. "Is Dyl mad at me?"

"No." Camila laughed softly and squeezed my hand, helping me fight through the smaller crowd. "And you're not late."

"You said to meet you at seven, it's fifteen after!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I said meet me at seven. The girls still have a bit until they go on." Camila opened a classroom door and I was greeted with the smell of coffee and freshly baked cookies.

"Mommy!" And Dylan.

"Hey kiddo," I giggled as she danced her way towards me in her cute little green elf costume, "lookin' pretty good."

"Thank you." Dylan smiled and hugged me. "My class baked these cookies today, try one." She handed me a sugar cookie and smiled when I nodded my approval after taking a bite.

"I'm starving." I confessed while grabbing three more. Camila smirked and shook her head. "What? I'm hungry!"

"Slow down on the sweets and we'll get you something after the concert." Camila chuckled and bumped me slightly with her hip.

"Dylan!" A blonde boy ran up to my daughter and whispered something in her ear before grabbing her hand and taking off towards the book shelf; hands never leaving each others.

"Well he's no girl," Camila muttered, "but at least she's got great taste in blonde's," she blinked at me sweetly.

I chuckled and nodded, pointing at her. "Good one."

"So," she leaned against the small coat rack and eyed me up and down, "how was your day?"

"Good." I nodded after swallowing the last of the delicious cookie. "I'm sorry I'm a little late though," I winced, "I had planned on being here earlier but practice ran late and then I couldn't have Eliza walk all the way home. Jaiden had to work or else I'm sure she would've been more than happy to take-"

"Lo," Camila's voice was so soft, "it's okay. You really don't need to explain yourself."

Lucas came into the classroom in an outfit almost similar to Dylan's. "Hi Mom, hi Lauren," she grinned while holding a firm grip on Hadley's hand.

"Hi Miss Cabello, hi Miss Jauregui," Hadley smiled and stood there quietly.

I watched as Camila's eyes drifted from the small pair of hands that were clasped together and to me with an amused grin. An amused grin marked with a slightly worried one.

Yes, even for me being in Kenora for short months, I could tell little Lucas Cabello was starting to grow up more and more.

Wow, I didn't like that thought too much.

"What are you two girls up too?" Camila offered, leaning forward to fix the point on Lucas' hat.

"We heard there were cookies." Lucas looked at her mom as if she were crazy.

Camila nodded slowly and bit her lip, moving aside to allow her daughter and friend grab one each. "There's hot chocolate over there," she offered and her blue eyes lit up as Lucas and Hadley grinned, thanking her before going to grab some hot chocolate.

"I can't believe she's growing up so fast." Camila sulked. "She's supposed to stay young and cute forever."

"She is young and cute." I smiled and squeezed her hand. "But she's growing up nicely Camz, be proud."

Camila pouted and sighed. "I still think she needs to stay Dylan's age."

We both turned our heads to find Dylan staring intently at the boy in front of her.

My eyes widen and I looked back at Camila, "she's nine!"

"When was your first kiss?" Camila asked me out of nowhere.

"What?!" Was she crazy? Dylan was not kissing that Jason-boy! Was that what she was implying? "Now is not the time for twenty-questions Camila." I warned.

"David James," Camila nodded, "he was my first kiss when I was eight. Of course it didn't last more than a second, but still."

I grunted and kept my eyes on Dylan. "Maria Foller," I whispered, "age nine."

"See?" Camila patted my shoulder. "Like mother like daughter."

I raised an eyebrow and snorted. "So Luc had her first kiss already..."

Camila squinted and pointed a finger at me. "She would've told me."

"Did you tell your mom?" I asked.

"Sinu would've started to give me the sex talk at Dylan's age if I told her!" She gasped.

Okay, we were freaking each other out.

We had to stop it.

"Huh," Camila stopped and frowned in thought, "come to think of it," she tapped her fingers on her chin, "David was the name of the last guy I kissed too."


Funny that.

"You mean Lucas' fath-" fingers were pressed against my lips and Camila leaned in close to me.

"Don't you finish that." She warned me and drew back slightly. "Jauregui is the name of Lucas' father."

"Okay class!" Mrs. Houghton, Dylan's teacher, clapped her hands together. "We're going to be up in ten! Who's excited?"

Lucas and Hadley giggled as they snuck out of the classroom with their hot chocolate and down the all towards their own room.

The class erupted into giggles and cheers and began to form a line near the door.

"Come on," Camila looped her arm through mine, "we should go find a seat."

We walked down the hall, avoiding a few glares from other parents. "Daddy Lauren," I murmured and Camila stopped to look at me with a small smile tugging at her lips.


"Daddy Lauren," I repeated and shrugged, "pretty good ring to it, don't you think?"

Camila tossed her head back and laughed. "We'll stick with Mommy, how about that?"

"Sounds good to me." I laced my fingers with hers while we found a good seat towards the middle front.

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