"You think if there was something wrong, I'd tell you?" I asked, maybe a little too harshly.

Normani held up her hands with a frown and backed up. "Sorry for caring." She was about to turn around and I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Normani," I said her name softer that time, "I'm sorry. I've just had a bad couple of days."

"I noticed." She turned around to face me again, hopping up on the counter. "Ace left earlier than usual."

"Yea, she left alright." I shrugged. "It's not like you didn't see it coming."

"Of course I did." Normani frowned. "Didn't you?"

"No." I laughed bitterly. "Apparently I was the only one that didn't."

"No surprise there." She bumped my shoulder and we went quiet for a bit. "Does it surprise you?"

"What? Her leaving me?"

"Well yeah." Normani nodded.

"Not really," I admitted, "I just didn't think it'd be... like that."

Normani sat there before she paced around the small heated washroom. "I know you don't like me," she started slowly, like she was choosing her words carefully, "but I like you."

"I never said I didn't like you." I frowned slightly. "You're just someone easy to take it out on at the moment."

"It's hard to let go of someone you're in love with, isn't it?" Normani smiled a little. "The best part about loving someone that much is letting them be happy."

"Do you make her happy?" I asked.

"I'd like the think so. Sam and I aren't ready to get married or anything like that Sofi, but she's very much a big part of my life. I want her around me for a long time." She shrugged. "And I know you want her as well."

"I don't." I said quickly. "I mean, I'm not... I wouldn't do that."

"I've never gotten over your sister and I never even had her to begin with," Normani glanced at me, "so I can't imagine what you and Sam are going through. I always knew that Camila belonged with Lauren and that they made each other happy. I wasn't about to ruin that with my own feelings."

"I wasn't going to do that." I said a little upset. "Yes, I've admitted that Sammy's someone I'll never get over, but I wouldn't do that to her."

"Which is why I like you," she countered back to her earlier statement. "Remember when we first met? Lauren wanted to beat the crap out of me and Camila wanted nothing to do with me. You were the one that convinced them I wasn't bad, Sofi. You helped them see that even though I was a loser crushing on someone I couldn't have, I was harmless. You were my first true friend in this circle."

"You introduced me to Isa." I scowled. "I lost Sam."

"Because you let yourself lose her. Isa didn't force you to break up with Sammy back then and she didn't force you into bed either." Normani snickered. "My point in all of this is that you've been through it all. The confusion, the love, the love triangle, the engagement and somewhere in there, you lost yourself."

"I know."

"I don't do this girly shit okay? So don't go telling anyone. But you've got to move on a little bit, don't you think? I mean, there's a whole world out there that knows your name. You should return to your music and live the single life for a while." Normani sighed a little. "I think you've ran yourself ragged with wanting to be the center of attention by those close to you when you really need to give it to people who don't know you."

"Did you think I was going to take Sammy from you?" I asked after a bit of silence.

"No." Normani smirked a little. "If Sammy wants you, then that's her choice. If somewhere down the road, you two meet up and are meant to be, then I have no control over that. I love her, she knows it and that's where we stand at the moment."

"Normani!" Camila's voice came closer to the washroom before her head poked in the door. "We're on again!"

Normani smiled at me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself okay? It doesn't suit you and it never has. This isn't high school anymore. You didn't just break up with a girlfriend, Sofi. Tracey dropped you after years of being together. Be upset about it, cry about it but don't go moping around like there was nothing you could've done. You won't get anywhere if you're constantly thinking about righting your wrongs. Start fresh kid." She punched my shoulder and followed Camila out the door.

I wasn't sure if her speech was supposed to make me feel better or worse.

She was right though; I needed to go my own way for awhile. I needed to be alone and maybe, hopefully, I'd be able to find myself again.


Lauren's PoV

Aunt Greta had me in a death grip, her face buried in my neck. "You promise me you'll call?"

"I promise." I nodded, wiping her teary eyes once she pulled back a bit. "Don't cry, you'll get me going again."

"I'm sorry. It's just we've missed you so much Lauren." She whispered. "We never thought we'd see you again."

"Oh don't be crazy," I batted her hand away with a laugh, "I'll always come home to my family."

"Treat her good," Aunt Greta finally landed on Camila, who was holding back her own tears.

"Oh I will." Camila stepped forward to hug my Aunt as well. "It was nice seeing you again Greta."

"So you're sure it's okay if the girls come visit us in the summer?"

Camila glanced at me and I nodded. "Of course. Dylan loves you guys, she's thrilled that you showed her pictures of mom and dad." I swallowed the lump in my throat. I couldn't look at the pictures yet myself but I knew where they were when I could find the strength too.

Camila's hand was rubbing my back slowly. "We'll call you as soon as we get home."

"Okay." Aunt Greta nodded. "Uncle Vic feels bad for not being here."

"I know how work is." I smiled. "I understand. Tell Austin I expect his family to come visit us this summer as well. You guys should come too."

"Plan on it." Aunt Greta pulled me into another hug and when the final announcement for our flight boarding came on, we pulled back.

"Mom, Momma!" Lucas and Dylan came running up to use with their small carry on bags. "They're going to leave without us!"

With one last hug from all of us, we were all behind the gate waving at Aunt Greta sadly.

"Homeward bound!" Lucas cheered with Dylan as they took their seats on the plane.

Camila grabbed my hand after we buckled up and I couldn't help but pull her into a slow kiss. "What was that for?" She whispered with a cute blushing smile.

"Thank you for taking us with you. I was so scared to visit my family, not knowing what they thought of me." I smiled bravely. "You make everything more than okay in my world, Camz."

"I live to make you and our family happy." Camila responded in a soft voice. "I want you by my side always so you don't need to thank me. You're amazing Lo."

"You are." I kissed her again. "And I can't wait to marry you."

Camila gave me a sexy grin. "And I can't wait to be your bride."

I pulled back. "So you're wearing a dress?"

"For you, I'd wear anything." Camila kissed me and then we settled back in our seats content. "Besides," she said a few seconds later, "it's not me you have to convince about wearing a dress."

I raised an eyebrow and found Lucas staring at me from across the aisle. Her eyes narrowed slightly and she was shaking her head, 'no'.

"Hmm," I frowned in thought, "we'll work it out."

One way or another.

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