My House Dilemma

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So I used to take the pottermore quiz religiously and religiously get Hufflepuff everytime. However a year or two later, I'm gettijg every house imaginable. It's not a stable option now for what my house is. I have so much hufflepuff merch 😭.

I was telling my friend, Ethan, my hogwarts house and he goes, "You're definitely not a Hufflepuff, you're one the meanest people I know." I was a little hurt by this. Not because he called me mean, that parts a little true. (I'd been in the midst of some drama and done some very petty things). I had always believe I had the qualities of a Hufflepuff. It was who I believed I wanted to be.

I always strive to go out of my way to make sure people are treated properly and cared for. I'm very loyal. My SO convinced to me to get on a ride with the them and I really didn't want to but I stayed with them because I didn't want to leave. Despite having a total breakdown before getting on the ride I got on the freeze with them.

I always try to put in a lot of effort in the things I want.

I'm also a total foodie.

So yes, I believed I was a Hufflepuff.

I also asked a bunch of kids in my class and my SO, who all said I was more like a Slytherin.

This could be because of the outer shields of hate I put up to reflect people from my crippled derepressed, anxious, and overly sensitive person.

Now take in mind, it's not like I don't want to be a Slytherin because Slytherins are bad. Many people who are not in fandom perceive Slytherins to be very malicious people. That is not the case. It is solely an identity crisis I have been having. I think apart of it is I'm morphing into an adult right now. I'm a freshman currently, and I'll be driving in two years. I think Im like Malfoy.

I do not think, personally, if Malfoy or even Regulus or Peter was put under the hat again after the second half of their time at Hogwarts they would have gotten the same house.

Mainly this is a problem because of all the hufflepuff merch I "wasted" money on.

I possess a lot of the qualities a Slytherin possess.

I'm very cunning. I'm very crafty with my words. If I want something from an adult, my voice will sound much purer like. Child's. My body will automatic lean in and make myself seem smaller and shy and vulnerable. If I need to lie myself out of a situation, I can do it perfectly and not get caught in my lies. My friend was next to me during a prank and he had his mouth (the same friend above) literally hung open at how convincing I was and he was in on it. The only thing that gave me away was the fact that my fake crying wasn't working that day 😂.

I'm ambitious. I have very high goals and standards I hold for myself. I must get all A's, I must graduate in the top ten, I must take every honor class available to me, I must be best artist in my class, I have gone on the deans list when I go to college. I must get this amount of followers on this in order to have felt like I've seceded. Now some of this have been hammered into my brain by society, but they are all goals (mostly) I've had for myself since a young age.

I'm a good leader, but I'm a great finder.

I'm not very traditional, at all.

I'm very much about my own preservation at times more than others.

I also feel, I'm very hufflepuff with what I truly WANT for myself and the world. I want to make it a better place for everyone. I want to make everyone feel loved and happy.

However I haven't taken the quiz again yet for lack of unused email addresses, but I plan on taking it tomorrow. I'll share my results then.

Whatever I get, I still will feel like some weird middle ground of all the houses.

I believe my personality is very adaptive and observant. Meaning when I see some people do things I find interesting, I adapt and bring into myself. If someone is tapping in a weird fashion or says a phrase I like, I adapt. I can also look at things from many perspectives, which doesn't really allow me to form an opinion on some thing like religion or abortion. Now before the comment section gets hella messy I'm going to move on.

The point of this is something you want be an exact math, you know yourself better than anyone else, and it's okay to be in the middle ground. Only the sorting hat and thyself know what's beast for thyself.

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