The Shipping Complex

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Side Note: I was crying because of Your Lie in April while writing this

Hinny - 9/10 I ship it.

Jily -10/10 would recommend. I will go down with this ship! OTP!

Drarry -8/10 Let me have my gay ship 

Wolfstar - 9/10 it probably didn't happen but let me have my headcanon.  


Harmony - 2/10 They're like brother and sister. Just let me have one platonic relationship

Romione -7/10 I get it now. Like when old people fight, they're sick of each other, but they love each other indefinitely. 

Dramione - 8/1o yes just yes. Angst and brains. 

Fremione -3/10 I guess

Bellamort - 5/10 The sadist and the Psycho

Bluna - 0/10 Who even ships this? No, Neville and Luna. 

Drinny - 0/10 No just no

Snily -1/10 Eh. They're not meant for each other in my opinion

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